M.S. (Computer Science), University of Notre Dame, M.S. (Statistics), Stephen F. Austin State University, B.S. (Mathematics & CompSci), Rose-Hulman Institute of Tech., formerly with Verizon LinkedIn Gregory Perez- VP of Engineering ...
Read The WHITE PAPERS Time-Stamped 3D Liveness = No Security Honeypot Risk Two types of data are required for every face verification: 3D Face data for matching and real-time 3D Liveness data to prove the Face data was collected from a physically present person. 3D Liveness data is ti...
in Computer Science and Engineering, M.Tech in Computer Science and Data Processing and 5 Year Integrated M.Sc in Mathematics from IIT Kharagpur. Language Model: Theory and Applications Saturday, January 28 Speaker: Dr. Utkarsh Porwal Lab related material Abstract: A language model helps us ...
A Meta-Analysis of the Past Decade of Mathematics Learning Based on the Computer Algebra System (CAS) Hundreds of studies have been found in the literature on mathematics learning supported by the use of the computer algebra system (CAS). However, there are numerous reports with mixed and even...