10,000+ 个用户 高效工作 与你的浏览器不兼容 描述 可以方便的识别网页中图片、PDF上的文字,也可以截图框选识别指定区域中的文字 用户评价 排序方式 发 发强 2025年2月19日 1星不是下限,不清楚收费版是什么样子,免费版识别完连字体意思都连不上了,我的第一张截图 识别完了如下: 老碳备的购甲设有...
Note: Optical character recognition (OCR) is slow in nature, so this extension displays a progress bar for each detection module. Note: This extension does the OCR process offline. There is no server-side interaction. It only fetches the language training database once. Note: This tool can ...
Recently Microsoft Edge is the most popular browser in the world. Also, PDF to OCR Extension For Microsoft Edge you can help quality browser using. Day by Day, increase user Microsoft Edge. Convert PDF to OCR for free. Free PDF File Converter – Two Supported Formats. Convert PDF to OCR ...
when we click the sub, it will change the position of sub, so that we can't select word. If we can't select word, we can not use the dictionary extension for the word in the CC sub.
Microsoft Edge Canary版浏览器实现OCR文本识别功能的方式主要有两种:第一种是通过浏览器内置的OCR功能,用户可以直接在浏览器地址栏中输入“ocr”或“scan”等关键词,然后在弹出的窗口中选择需要识别的文本区域,浏览器会自动识别并提取其中的文本信息。第二种是通过浏览器与其他OCR工具的结合使用,如Microsoft OneNote或...
Speech recognition sub extension; OCR sub extension on Edge; Dictate sub Genuinely appreciate all your replies! I think a perfect browser require 3 major source to generate text with timeline: ① voice in videos and audios playing on the page; (automatic Speech recognitio......
參加Microsoft Learn 課程 探索範例 閱讀快速入門指南 瀏覽程式碼範例 指導 閱讀臉部辨識透明度資訊 有關Azure AI 視覺的常見問題集 全部展開|全部摺疊 可以在哪裡取得 Azure AI 視覺? Azure AI 視覺 的 SLA 為何? 您是否會儲存我的影像或影片,或使用它們來改善產品?
Copilot for Service extension (preview) Copy.ai Corda Blockchain [已弃用] Cornerstone Learning vILT Corporate Buzzword Generator (Independent Publisher) COSMO Bot Coupa (Independent Publisher) Courier (Independent Publisher) COVID-19 JHU CSSE (Independent Publisher) CPQSync CPSC Recalls Retrieval (Indep...
What is OCR Extension? OCR extensions typically allow users to extract text from images, scanned documents, or PDF files, and convert them into editable text files. This can be helpful in situations where a user needs to modify or edit the text within a document but only has access to a ...
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Syncfusion.OCRProcessor; using Syncfusion.Pdf.Graphics; using Syncfusion.Pdf.Parsing; using System.IO; Include the following code example in HomeController.cs to perform the OCR processing. public IActionResult PerformOCR() { ...