PP-OCR is a practical ultra-lightweight OCR system. It is mainly composed of three parts: DB text detection, detection frame correction and CRNN text recognition. The system adopts 19 effective strategies from 8 aspects including backbone network selection and adjustment, prediction head design, da...
\mathcal{L} =\text{max}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{L}\text{log}P(\hat{s}_i|\text{I},\text{Q},\text{s}_{1:i}), \tag{2} 其中\text{I}是输入图像,\text{Q}是问题序列,\hat{s}是输出序列,\text{s}是输入序列,L是输出序列的长度。 4 EXPERIMENTS 4.1 Implementation Details 型号配置。 在...
The book "Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects" is now for sale from Packt Publishing with free shipping to many countries! Each chapter is a separate project containing step-by-step tutorials + full source-code using the latest C++ interface of OpenCV v2.4, written by 7 au...
This student-friendly CGP textbook comprehensively covers OCR A AS-Level Biology and Year 1 of OCR A A-Level Biology - and it's fully up-to-date for the new specifications for 2015 and beyond! It contains in-depth, accessible notes explaining every topic, supported by clear diagrams, ...