公司地址:手机号/微信号:15901914505 【QQ号:3187892335】上海市化学工业区 进入店铺 询盘 OCI-AML3 Cell Line|人急性髓细胞性白血病细胞相关厂家报价 产品名称价格公司名称报价日期 OCI-AML-3 cell line人急性髓细胞性白血病细胞系 询价 VIP5年 上海宾穗生物科技有限公司 2025-03-04...
中文名称:OCI-AML3 Cell Line|人急性髓细胞性白血病细胞 英文名称:OCI-AML3 Cell Line 包装信息:1000000cells/;2000000cells/ 备注:OCI-AML3 Cell Line|人急性髓细胞性白血病细胞 1×10(6)cells/T25培养瓶 上海宾穗生物科技有限公司 联系电话: 13641930791 ...
*使用本品系发表的文献需注明: OCI-AML-3 cell line (Cat. NO. NM-B33) was purchased from Shanghai Model Organisms Center, Inc.. 验证数据 野生型细胞株不进行出售服务,仅作为荷瘤鼠和体内药效进行服务 相关品系 MC38-hc-MET 细胞系名称:MC38-Igs2em1(hc-MET)Smoc 目录号:NM-S13-TM36 MC38-h...
OCI-AML3细胞MCF7 [MCF-7]人癌细胞MCF7 human breast cancer cell line [MCF-7] 1640+10% FBS富勒1 C60,球C60质量规格:>99.0%(HPLC)Fullerene C60 SHH Protein Human重组人SHH / Sonic hedgehog蛋白(aa 198-462, His标签)富勒1 C70,球C70质量规格:>98.0%(HPLC)Fullerene C70 ...
Hollink IH, Feng Q, Danen‑van Oorschot AA, et al: Low frequency of DNMT3A mutations in pediatric AML and the identification of the OCI‑AML3 cell line as an in vitro model. Leukemia 26: 371‑373, 2011.Hollink I.H., Feng Q., Danen-van Oorschot A.A., Arentsen-Peters S.T...
模型资源 OCI-AML-3-Luc 导出PDF 品系基本信息 细胞系名称 OCI-AML-3-Tg(luc)/smoc 目录号 NM-B33-TG01 品系描述 人急性骨髓性白血病细胞 品系状态 成瘤性验证完成 *使用本品系发表的文献需注明: OCI-AML-3-Luc cell line (Cat. NO. NM-B33-TG01) was purchased from Shanghai Model Organisms Center,...
Given the virtual absence of the focal, canonical hypomethylation phenotype in the OCI-AML3 cell line, we performed additional experiments to assess the function of DNMT3AR882 in this cell line. We verified that the mutant and wild-type alleles of DNMT3A were expressed equally in two replicate...
Neuroophic factor of rat glial cell line derived (GDNF) ELISA Kit 大鼠胶质细胞系来源的神经营养因子(GDNF)检测试剂盒 Humanneurofilameprotein,NFELISAKit 人神经丝蛋白(NF)检测试剂盒 96T/48T 进口分装 HumanactivatedproteinC,APC检测试剂盒人活化蛋白C(APC)检测试剂盒规格:96T/48T 脂质过氧化物反式十八碳...
Characterization of inv(3) cell line OCI-AML-20 with stroma dependent CD34 expressiondoi:10.1016/j.exphem.2018.10.006Genna M. LucianiLihua XieDavid DilworthAnne TierensYoni MoskovitzAlex MurisonMagdalena M. SzewczykAmanda MitchellMathieu Lupien
Stanford University Pediatric T-cell line 1Cells;细胞背景资料:详见相关文献介绍;细胞传代方法:2-3天换液1次。;细胞生长特性:悬浮生长;细胞形态特性:淋巴母细胞样 ;相关细胞有:SK-MES1Cells、P3.653Cells、Human Embryonic Skin细胞 AN3-CACells;细胞背景资料:AN3CA细胞建系于1964年。它衍生于子宫内膜癌患者淋...