{ "data": { "application_name": "postgresql", "backend_type": "not initialized", "command_tag": "", "conString": "", "connection_from": "", "database_name": "", "detail": "", "hint": "", "internal_query": "", "internal_query_pos": "", "leader_pid"...
[ "application/json" ], "Connection": [ "keep-alive" ], "Date": [ "Thu, 26 Oct 2023 20:57:00 GMT" ], "User-Agent": [ "Oracle-JavaSDK/2.66.0 (Linux/4.14.35-2047.529.3.2.el7uek.x86_64; Java/17.0.8; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM/17.0.8+9-LTS-jvmci-21.3-b32)" ]...
if (!OCI_Initialize(err_handler, NULL, OCI_ENV_DEFAULT)) return EXIT_FAILURE; OCI_EnableWarnings(TRUE); cn = OCI_ConnectionCreate(dbs, usr, pwd, OCI_SESSION_DEFAULT); st = OCI_StatementCreate(cn); if( !OCI_Prepare(st, "insert into oci_parse " "(rid, rname)" "values ( :rid, :...
Environment info Duplicati version: Operating system: lscr.io/linuxserver/duplicati:latest Backend: Oracle OCI Object Storage Description Connection to Oracle OCI tests successfully, but when trying to run a backup it fails with ...
OCI_Connection *cn; OCI_Statement *st; OCI_Error *err; int i; time_t tm ; if (!OCI_Initialize(NULL, NULL, OCI_ENV_DEFAULT | OCI_ENV_CONTEXT)) return EXIT_FAILURE; cn = OCI_ConnectionCreate("orcl", "venus", "venus", OCI_SESSION_DEFAULT); printf ("connect db success...\n");...
OCI_Connection* conn = NULL; OCI_Statement* stmt = NULL; OCI_Resultset* rs = NULL; int ret = OCI_Initialize(NULL, NULL, OCI_ENV_DEFAULT); if (!ret) { printf("Error\n"); system("pause"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } conn = OCI_ConnectionCreate("XE", "lixin", "lixin", OCI_SESSION...
("FAILURE IN CREATING TABLE(S)\n"); HANDLE_ERROR (errhp, status); return; } else { printf ("***\n"); printf ("MileStone : Table(s) Successfully created\n"); printf ("***\n"); } HANDLE_ERROR (errhp, OCIHandleFree (stmhp, OCI_HTYPE_STMT)); } /* prepare data for our ...
C++ 使用OCILIB 连接Oracle数据库 总结
Business / Technical Brief OCI Database Migration Agent Tutorial Aimed for scenarios where your source database is behind a firewall or there is no direct database connection to OCI, without the need for minimized downtime through online replication. September 2022, Version 2.1 Copyright © 2022...
Communication across the connection is with IPv4 public IP addresses; without FastConnect, the traffic destined for public IP addresses would be routed over the internet. With FastConnect, that traffic goes over a private physical connection All the customer's compute and storage resources are ...