{ "displayName": "CLI_FSDR_Primary", "members": [ { "memberId": "ocid1.instance.oc1...", "memberType": "COMPUTE_INSTANCE", "isMovable": true, "vnicMapping": [ { "sourceVnicId": "ocid1.vnic.oc1...", "destinationSubnetId": "ocid1.subnet.oc1..." } ], "destinationCompart...
{ "displayName": "CLI_FSDR_Primary", "members": [ { "memberId": "ocid1.instance.oc1...", "memberType": "COMPUTE_INSTANCE", "isMovable": true, "vnicMapping": [ { "sourceVnicId": "ocid1.vnic.oc1...", "destinationSubnetId": "ocid1.subnet.oc1..." } ], "destinationCompart...
Stack Monitoring provides metrics for availability, CPU, Memory, disk activity, and paging of the Compute instances. It also allows virtual machine (VM) disk utilization monitoring and the tools to monitor file systems created on each disk attached with a Compute instance. In this article, we di...
Error: Could not Copy ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa opc@<your_compute_instance_ip></your_compute_instance_ip> 让我们安装 MySQL Shell(并继续回答所有提示符的 y): 复制代码片段 Copied to Clipboard Error: Could not Copy sudo yum install mysql-shell -y 您的端点将是您之前复制到记事本的专用 IP。当...
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa opc@<your_compute_instance_ip></your_compute_instance_ip> 讓我們使用 MySQL Shell 安裝 (只回答所有提示: 複製程式碼片段 Copied to Clipboard Error: Could not Copy sudo yum install mysql-shell -y 您的端點將會是您先前複製到記事本中的專用 IP。當然也需要您先前備妥之資料...
oci_commands should be rebuilt after updating or reinstalling oci-cli. To do this: remove the old file: rm $HOME/.oci/oci_commands Rebuild with: oci oci_commands Advanced Setup and Usage If you use oci with instance_principal authentication, set OCI_CLI_AUTH=instance_principal in your enviro...
* ``oci compute instance launch --instance-options`` * Support for instance configurations specifying instance options in the Compute Management service * ``oci compute-management instance-configuration create --instance-details`` * Support for controlling the display of tax banners in the Marketpla...
High-performance network file system (NFS) server with Oracle Linux Storage Appliance: Quickly and easily build NFS shared storage using NVMe devices attached to OCI bare metal and virtual machine (VM) Compute instances by using the Oracle Linux Storage Appliance image, available on the Orac...
We designed core cloud capabilities, such as security and container management, to be included in the cost of compute, not as an add-on charge. We built better performing networks, but also priced the movement of data out of the cloud in recognition of how our customers are building multi...
使用instance_action销毁oci实例 我正在尝试使用oci python库找到终止oci实例的最佳方法。我知道我可以用以下命令停止一个实例 base_compute.instance_action(instance_id, 'STOP') 但是,我在他们的文档中没有看到TERMINATE操作:方法的。这方面的任何帮助都是很好的。 浏览52提问于2021-03-12得票数 0 回答已采纳...