不要混淆 Image manifest 和 Application runtime bundle manifest,它们是不一样的。 我们复制的是一个 OCI Image,但是我们已经知道,runc 需要 OCI Runtime Bundle。我们需要一个将镜像转换为解压包的工具。这个工具将是umoci - 一个 openSUSE 实用程序,其唯一目的是操作 OCI 镜像。要安装它,请从 Github Releases...
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: exec: "mongo": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown 官网解决方案: https://github.com/docker-library/mongo/issues/558 mongo5.0以上的版本使用mongo来执行mongodb命令已经不支持了,你需要改用mongosh来替代mongo!
docker exec -it tomcat01 ip addr 报错 解决方案: 进入容器,执行 apt update && apt install -y iproute2命令 之后就可以正常执行了! 或者也可以执行 docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' 容器名字/容器id 不过执行完这条命令后只显示ip,没有其他信息! 补充:...
OCI Application Performance Monitoringログ形式 パーサー名:oci_application_performance_monitoring_logtype サンプル・コンテンツ: { "data": { "arrivaltime": "2023-03-14T15:21:27.010Z", "content": "{\\\"major-version\\\": 1, \\\"minor-version\\\": 0, \\\"payload-creation-ts-mil...
(combined from similar events): Readiness probe errored: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to exec in container: failed to start exec "de5333e119c05338441a3f0ad988f26923406f3301869636041349241c137cf0": OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: error ...
不要混淆 Image manifest 和 Application runtime bundle manifest,它们是不一样的。 我们复制的是一个 OCI Image,但是我们已经知道,runc 需要 OCI Runtime Bundle。我们需要一个将镜像转换为解压包的工具。这个工具将是umoci - 一个openSUSE实用程序,其唯一目的是操作 OCI 镜像。要安装它,请从 Github Releases获取...
OCI Runtime Specification. Contribute to opencontainers/runtime-spec development by creating an account on GitHub.
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: exec: "ip": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown 2、报错原因: 我们下载的某个镜像(例如tomcat镜像)是精简版的,利用这个镜像去打开一个容器的时候发现没有ip addr这个命令。
OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:449: container init caused \"rootfs_linux.go:58: mounting ..2020-09-27 12:57 − ... 复一日 1 6532 相关推荐 kolla部署openstack allinone,报错APIError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server...
Learn Use OCI Data Flow with Apache Spark Streaming to process a Kafka topic in a scalable and near real-time application Duration 1 hour 30 minutes Level Advanced Audience Devops, Developer Products and Services Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Released May 25, 2023...