Ocena ryzyka zawodowego – narażenie na czynniki chemiczne (1)A proposition of the Advisory Committee on Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work of the European Commission Employment and Social Affairs for occupational risk assessment posed by exposure to chemical agents are introduced. The...
Ocena ryzyka zawodowego w aspekcie stresu cieplnego w pomieszczeniach zamkniętychThis paper presents a method of risk assessment in enclosed spaces; it applies both to potential heat stress in hot environments and to thermal discomfort in moderate environments, as defined in PN-EN ISO 15265:...
rodki ochrony skóry – definicje, rodzaje, zastosowanie, ocena ryzyka zawodowego i obowizujce w Polsce regulacje prawne (1)Skin protection measures (SPMs) - barrier creams/gels - are a way of protecting workers' hands against hazardous substances at workplaces where gloves cannot be used. ...