The Global Ocean Development Forum in Qingdao has attracted hundreds of representatives from over 40 countries and regions. What can humanity do to better protect our oceans? And what constitutes the ideal Blue Partnership regionally and globally?
Arctic Ocean: Directed by Caroline Menzies. With Barack Obama, Raja Sevak. With temperatures mounting and sea ice melting, the creatures of the Arctic Ocean must go to new extremes to survive in a new, warmer world.
The Light Between Oceans: Directed by Derek Cianfrance. With Michael Fassbender, Alicia Vikander, Rachel Weisz, Florence Clery. A lighthouse keeper and his wife living off the coast of Western Australia raise a baby they rescue from a drifting rowing boa
Welcome to Appy Oceans - a Hindi and English app created to make it fun and engaging to discover the ocean while learning how to count from 1 to 10!
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