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Malea and Kevrekidis [48] recorded 3.29 mg/kg Cu in Gracilaria and 7.22 mg/kg in Hypnea from the Gulf of Thessaloniki, Aegean. Ali et al. [21] recorded a lower amount of Cu in Gracilaria and Hypnea from the Sudanese coast of the Red Sea (Table 2). Here, both seaweeds exceeded ...
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Earlier this week, thousands of fish washed up at the Quintana Beach County Park on Texas' Gulf Coast, likely due to warming waters, according to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Kills and Spills team. 本周早些时候,在美国得克萨斯州墨西哥湾沿岸的金塔纳海滩县公园,数千条死鱼被冲上海滩。得州公园和...
AUGUST 2022- Climate change is causing misery in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, with theSargasso Seaproducing colossalsargassumblooms of 22 millions tons this year, an increase over 18 million tons in 2021. It would take a fleet of 300 specially adaptedSeaVax machines, operating at a speed...
Water Features: Gulf/Ocean, Intracoastal Waterway Exterior and Lot Features Balcony Shade Shutter(S) Sidewalk Sliding Doors Patio And Porch Features: Covered, Porch, Side Porch Road Responsibility: Public Maintained Road Road Surface Type: Paved Porch Dimensions: 13 X 7 Porch Level:...
The Gulf of Aqaba (GoA), Red Sea, is a highly accessible deep oligotrophic water body featuring exceptionally high atmospheric deposition fluxes that provide the main source of TMs to the GoA surface water. Here, we present a 2-year time series of dissolved manganese, cobalt, nickel,...
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