当然,对于丹尼·奥逊(弗兰克·辛纳特拉 Frank Sinatra饰)和他的十一个犯罪团伙来说,这更是一个偷天换日的绝佳盗窃机会。以丹尼为首的十一罗汉,均是二战退伍后最优秀的空降部队成员,个个身怀绝技。丹尼伙同山姆·哈蒙(迪恩·马丁 Dean Martin饰)、约什·霍华(小萨米·戴维斯 Sammy Davis Jr.饰)、吉米·福斯特(彼特...
Ocean's Eleven / Ocean's 11 Available on PC Xbox Trailer Description The famous "Rat Pack" is never hipper or funnier than in this, the ultimate Las Vegas movie -- quoted, copied and paid homage to in every movie since that's set in the glamourous desert oasis. Frank Sinatra, Dean Ma...
PremiumFrank SinatraLas Vegas Strip 875 Words 4 Pages Good Essays Read More “Ocean’s Eleven” “Ocean’sEleven” Path-goal Theory In “Ocean’sEleven” Steven Soderbergh did a great job as a director in keeping the audience interested throughout the whole movie time. Path-goal theory of ...
and she had a significant hand in the creative development of the film. For some reason, though, Carey mostly looks lost onscreen as Billie Frank, as a backup dancer who secretly records the vocals for a pop star named Sylk. (a pre-Top ChefPadma Lakshmi!) ...
It starts five members of theRat Pack, of whichFrank Sinatrais probably the most memorable one. I personally foundSammy Davis, Jr.the most amusing and endearing actor here and it was wonderful seeing a black man in an early60sfilm and portrayed so respectfully. They utilized his music so we...
When Steven Soderbergh remade ratpack favouriteOcean's 11in the early 2000s, he not only assembled one of the all-time-great ensemble casts - he reinvigorated the heist movie in the process. First, in 2001, cameOcean's Eleven, with all its swaggering Vegas charm. Then cameOc...
written by Carrie Solomon. The only details they have on the story is that it’s “is set in Europe in the 1960s.” (That could make it a sort-of reboot of the originalOcean’s 11, which was made in 1960 and starred Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis Jr., among others...
Ocean’s Eleven, American heist film, released in 1960, that featured the legendary 1960s “Rat Pack” of Las Vegas entertainers, including Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Dean Martin.
A remake of the 1960 Rat Pack flick of the same name, "Ocean's Eleven" is a far better film then the original. Frank Sinatra and his gang didn't really intend to make a good movie; they were just hanging out, and it showed. Now, in the hands of Soderbergh and his own pack of...