Oceanic anoxic eventsGranitoidJapanIn general, the arc magmas are oxidized, forming magnetite-series granitoids. However, there are also ilmenite-series granitoids at convergent margins. The mechanism that controls the formation of different types of granitoids remains obscure. Here we show that the ...
17,18. The temporal changes in the nature of magmatism are shown by whole-rock composition plots using bivariate kernel density (Fig.2a–c). The pre-collisional suite defines a Z-shaped trend in the plot of Mg# vs SiO2(Fig.2a) and an S-shaped trend in...
1. Introduction Ophiolites, preserved as obducted slivers of ancient oceanic litho- sphere in Precambrian and Phanerozoic orogenic belts and on continen- tal margins, provide the most conspicuous and robust perspectives on intraoceanic divergent and convergent margin tectonics, mantle hetero- geneity,...
Lower seismic velocities of Vp ¼ B7.7, (and density ¼ B3.0 g cm À 3; Vp/Vs ¼ B1.85), which are similar to the velocities observed at the crust–mantle boundary beneath arcs have been measured in exhumed subduction me´lange rocks with compositions intermediate between chlorite ...
(in PE and PP) is more likely controlled by the aqueous boundary layer diffusion (diffusion between particle and water) and not by the internal diffusion in the plastic particle [57,65,69]. For planar passive PE samplers, diffusion across the plastic–water boundary layer is usually the rate...
However, both these tectonic reconstructions focus on the convergent and oceanic closure phases of the evolution of this region, meaning that the tectonic setting during oceanic basin opening remains unclear. The mantle lherzolites that crop out in the Nain ophiolites have mineral (e.g., Fig. 9...
Convergent plate margins where large turbidite fans with slivers of oceanic basement are accreted to continents represent important sites of continental crustal growth and recycling. Crust accreted in these settings is dominated by an upper layer of recycled crustal and arc detritus (turbidites) underlain...
Marine hydrokinetic turbines of MW-level capacity for harvesting oceanic currents are here reviewed. The best design is 3-blades, open rotor, axial flow turbines, of similar design philosophy to wind turbines, which are anchored to the ocean floor. The b
Session: Oceanic Petrogenesis of Pacific-Type Convergent Margins (Cordilleran Section - 109th Annual Meeting (20-22 May 2013))
In this study, the effects of oceanic mesoscale eddies on the looping path of the Kuroshio intrusion (KI) were symmetrically investigated by composite analysis using merged satellite data. We found that the mesoscale eddies propagating from the east have