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Humphreys TE, Psiaki ML, Kintner PM Jr (2010) Modelling the effects of ionospheric scintillation on GPS carrier phase tracking. IEEE Trans Aerosp Electron Syst 46(4):1624–1637 Article Google Scholar Immel TJ, Sagawa E, England SL, Henderson SB, Hagan ME, Mende SB, Frey HU, Swenson CM,...
"Oceanic Beats, Jeffrey Goldstar, Toddie James, Gold Star, Klaus Andreas Lindenberg, Farfalla Jones, Deep Sector, National Rhythms, Deep Bass, Babylon Suite, Desonant, Philter Inc., Steven Brady, Robert Owners, Philip Rouge, Sound of Deep, Aura 22, The S
Green dotted line is the z-axis of the coordinate. Eddy centers at each layer, which are defined at the point of minimum velocity magnitude, are indicated by the purple dots. Edges of eddy core at each layer, which are defined at the radial positions of maximum velocity magnitude, are ...
Chemical weathering consumes atmospheric carbon dioxide through the breakdown of silicate minerals and is thought to stabilize Earth’s long-term climate. However, the potential influence of silicate weathering on atmospheric pCO2 levels on geologically
Issue #7 will see you returning to Transylvania when your Council of Venice contact, Carmen Preda, asks you to look into the appearance of a strange new monster in the region. In tracking down the creature, you will work with the Vampire Hunter, revisit old friends at the Romany Camp, an...
Battle Pet levels are now only shown on the map if you are tracking Battle Pets. Aquatic type’s passive effect now reduces damage from damage-over-time effects by 50%, up from 25%. Critter type’s passive effect now makes critters immune to roots, stuns, and sleep effects. Dragonkin ty...
The gradient-tracking adaptation method introduced needs to be modified when grid clusterings are required for the surface and bottom regions and at the same time to track gradients in the interior of the oceans. Here, we use the so-called ss coordinate as a guideline to optimize the near-...