iPhone 14 PlusiPhone 12 ProiPhone Xr Photo & Videos Advanced Photo and Video Features, Including Digital Color Correction Filters for the Best Images Possible:The Oceanic+ Dive Housing has advanced features, including digital color correction filters that can help you capture high-quality images and...
Photo-wise, the combination of the iPhone, Oceanic+ Dive Housing andOceanic+ appprovides all the advanced photo and video features available with whichever generation of iPhone is in use, plus a suite of digital colour filters and automatic white point correction for depth-dependent adjustment. The...
1月4日 15:12 来自小米8周年旗舰手机 转发微博 @菊厂刘掌柜 小区里又开了一家理发店,定位中等偏上,数了数加上快剪养发都7家了,这究竟是内卷啊还是需求旺盛,说说理发店这个行业。 小时候一玩伴,初中辍学,跟一亲戚学手艺几年,后来自己盘个苍蝇小店理发,我上初中和高中基本就在他家理,给他练手艺。好...
∼3.5 km (Supplementary Fig. 4). Because of potential asymmetries in net plate separation, any assessment of temporal variations in the magnitude of tectonic strain requires knowledge of independently constrained time markers. For the 13°N region the only such constraints currently available are ...
Submarine hydrothermal systems, which have been documented at depths of up to 4960 m1, produce hydrothermal deposits and hydrothermally alter the oceanic crust2,3,4. They play an important role in the geochemical budget of the ocean. Elemental fluxes from hydrothermal systems, estimated from the...
Morphology of the Faial Island shelf (Azores): the interplay between volcanic, erosional, depositional, tectonic and mass–wasting pro- cesses. Geochem Geophys Geosyst. 2012;13(4):Q04012. https://doi.org/10.1...
BIGGER, BETTER, BLUETOOTH.Bigger and better than ever, the ProPlus 4.0 features the latest Bluetooth 4.0 technology. Now divers can adjust and customize all their dive features on the go pre-and post-dive. ProPlus 4.0 boasts a new display area, wider font size, and 22% larger digits than...
Oceanic adds to its growing family of industry-leading Bluetooth-compatible computers with the latest ProPlus 4.0 dive computer. Divers can now adjust and customize all their dive features on the go pre-and post-dive on a computer with a larger display area, font size and digits than ever be...
To connect your housing to other accessories, such as camera trays, there’s a standard attachment 1/4” – 20 thread at the bottom of the device. Users looking to upgrade their video quality canadd a camera trayto the housing, allowing further connection points and increased stability. ...
4. The northeastern Atlantic cold waters limiting the northern range of tropical fish species (Floeter et al. 2008; Almada et al. 2013). 5. The lowest fish biomass and highest density in reef assemblage (Quimbayo et al. 2019). With 27 fish species reported, plus two uncertain ...