March 13, 2023 Hertfordshire babysteps 938 July 5, 2012 Finger Lakes area, NY, USA thebsinmiss Rare 217 February 18, 2012 Mississauga Ontario #5 PostedFebruary 15 Our travel agent strongly recommended booking our flights ourselves (did not use the TA either which was fine with her). Reasons...
if in connection with our provision of services or through the employment application process. we collect this information when you choose to provide it to us or to a service provider or third party such as a travel agent or through the employment application process. we use this information to...
I don't think those without a travel agent are ever offered these options, but I'm not certain On our last cruise we could have upgraded to a Penthouse Suite but that was a $1000,00 per person. Less than what we would have paid if we had booked that cabin but more than what ...