Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm, set a thousand years before the events of the first chapter, takes you on a magical journey across the vast world of Gaia, brimming with mythology and lore. A young Knight faces an impossible challenge, as Warlock Mesmeroth has returned with a formi...
Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm now available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S Now available on PC and next gen consoles! Aug 2, 2023 Oceanhorn and Oceanhorn 2 physical releases are now available in a special bundle! We’re happy to announce thatLimited Run Games, in collaborat...
名称:Oceanhorn 2:失落王国的骑士 类型:动作,冒险,独立,角色扮演 开发商:Cornfox & Brothers Ltd. 发行商:FDG Entertainment 系列:Oceanhorn 发行日期:2023 年 8 月 2 日 访问网站查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 购买Oceanhorn 2 ¥ 108.00 ...
Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm, set a thousand years before the events of the first chapter, takes you on a magical journey across the vast world of Gaia, brimming with mythology and lore. A young Knight faces an impossible challenge, as Warlock Mesmeroth has returned with a ...
A GRAND ADVENTURE Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm, set a thousand years before the events of the first chapter, takes you on a magical journey across the vast world of Gaia, brimming with mythology and lore. A young Knight faces an impossible challenge, as Warlock Mesmeroth has ret...
在今年2月,《海之号角》系列的开发商Cornfox & Bros.公布了基于虚幻4引擎打造的《海之号角2:失落王国骑士(Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm)》的实机截图,许多玩家被其精细的画面和出色的光影所震撼,不敢相信这是一款移动平台的游戏。今日,开发商再次公布了一段由iPhone7 Plus录制的14min实机演示,证实...
一段宏大的冒险《Oceanhorn 2:失落王国的骑士》,背景是第一章事件发生的一千年前,它带您踏上一段魔法旅程,横跨充满神话和传说的辽阔的盖亚世界。随着术士魅摩罗斯带着强大的黑暗军队归来,一名年轻的骑士正面临着不可能完成的挑战。我们的主人公是否能够团结 Owrus、 Gillfolk 和 Arcadians,为世界的命运而战? 这次...
海之号角2是一款画面高清细腻的战斗题材冒险放置游戏,你将成为失落之国的骑士从一个小男孩逐渐成长为背负重任的骑士,游戏全程使用虚幻引擎4让故事内容和整个背景观得到进一步的提升,同时在游戏中你将体验到激动人心的冒险故事! 海之号角2特色: 1、开始独特的竞技冒险之旅,极佳的视觉效果和丰富的感官体验轻易打动你...
Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm, set a thousand years before the events of the first chapter, takes you on a magical journey across the vast world of Gaia, brimming with mythology and lore. A young Knight faces an impossible challenge, as Warlock Mesmeroth has returned with a ...
Oceanhorn 2手游中文版是一款画风清新的二次元冒险题材游戏,各种新颖的地图体验轻松的玩法即时上线富有特色的,灵活使用各种技能展开对决刺激上演最为热血的战斗玩法与互动精彩挑战,热血boss挑战威力强劲的技能释放灵活切换不同的地图。 Oceanhorn 2手游中文版特色 1、全新战略玩法热血对决刺激展开新颖的玩法挑战,刺激展开...