通过OBClient 客户端工具登陆业务租户执行 source /home/xxx.sql 命令时出现报错信息:ERROR 1366 (HY000): Incorrect string value 。之后使用可视化数据库管理工具 Navicat 登陆数据库加载该文件正常入库。 适用版本 OceanBase 数据库所有版本。 问题原因 兼容MySQL 错误码 1366,报错信息不正确的字符串值,和编码格式可...
错误原因:ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: -4258, Incorrect string value. 3.1.2 OceanBase bug,已知问题。 解决方案:系统租户执行:ALTER system SET _enable_static_typing_engine = false;。 CONNECTOR-SOOO0401555 错误等级:FATAL 错误信息:ORA-01555 snapshot too old ...
OceanBase 【问题描述】 每日设置登录信息为一个sql文件,使用obclient的每日导入该文件,但是最近发现使用source 文件 总是报ERROR 1366 (HY000): Incorrect string value, 但是navicat 运行该文件并没有问题,数据能全部入库,不清楚如何解决该问题 【复现路径】 数据库安装在linux机器上,数据库 vxtest 中有表...
ERROR bad SQL grammar [update renzy set at=current_timestamp,expire_at=(cast(unix_timestamp(current_timestamp(3) as unsigned) +?)), order_id= ? where id = ? and (expire_at < current_timestamp or order_id = ?)] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: (conn=1277168) Incorrect value.查询O...
ERROR bad SQL grammar [update renzy set at=current_timestamp,expire_at=(cast(unix_timestamp(current_timestamp(3) as unsigned) +?)), order_id= ? where id = ? and (expire_at < current_timestamp or order_id = ?)] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: (conn=1277168) Incorrect value. ...
is_valid_datetime(value)) { ret = OB_DATETIME_FUNCTION_OVERFLOW; LOG_WARN("datetime filed overflow", K(ret), K(value)); } return ret; } 最终调用的 int_to_ob_time_with_date: /// // int / uint / string -> ObTime / ObInterval <- datetime / date / time. int ObTimeConverter...
Error message:ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: -4258, Incorrect string value Cause:A known issue in OceanBase V3.1.2. Solution:In the sys tenant, execute the following statement:ALTER system SET _enable_static_typing_engine = false;. ...
[subtask-executor27,ac1fba2107577703,91be66b91c977606] c.o.ocp.obsdk.connector.ConnectTemplate : [obsdk] queryForObject failed, sql:[SELECT value FROM CDB_OB_BACKUP_PARAMETER WHERE tenant_id = ? AND name = ‘data_backup_dest’], error message:[Incorrect result size: expected 1, actual...
ERROR bad SQL grammar [update renzy set at=current_timestamp,expire_at=(cast(unix_timestamp(current_timestamp(3) as unsigned) +?)), order_id= ? where id = ? and (expire_at < current_timestamp or order_id = ?)] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: (conn=1277168) Incorrect value. ...
ERROR 1292 (22007): Incorrect value 当时用户收到这个报错后很茫然,因为用户的SQL长达200多行,并且有多层嵌套子查询和多张表关联查询,所以一时间很难判断出来是哪里出现了错误,SQL大致如下(脱敏后): REPLACE INTO abc.table1( m_id, st_id, con_id, ...