当我们在 OceanBase 数据库中尝试添加外键约束时出现“Cannot add foreign key constraint” 错误消息,这...
本文介绍 OceanBase 数据库 Oracle 模式下添加外键时报ORA-00600错误的处理方法。 问题现象 为cust表创建外键约束时,显示关联字段错误。 obclient[SYS]>ALTERTABLEcustADDCONSTRAINTC_FKFOREIGNKEY(c_w_id)REFERENCESware(w_name);ORA-00600: internal error code,arguments:-5317,Cannotaddforeignkeyconstraint ...
ERROR1062(23000):Duplicateentry \'%s\'forkey\'%.*s\' 示例 cust表创建外键约束时显示关联字段错误。 obclient>ALTERTABLEcustADDCONSTRAINTwareFOREIGNKEY(c_w_id)REFERENCESware(w_name);ERROR1215(HY000): Cannotaddforeignkeyconstraint 如何处理 查看ware表的表结构,并找到该表主键。
报错:ERROR 1215 (HY000): Cannot add foreign key constraint 我的应用以前用的mysql数据库,在创建外键约束时,使用的是 ON DELETE SET NULL语法,但是oceanbase数据库不支持“SET NULL”,但是oceanbase文档中提到可以支持“SET DEFAULT”,但是并未执行成功。 【复现路径】问题出现前后相关操作: ports表的格式如下, |...
'Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails' ,在外键约束检查时,引用的父表中没有找到匹配的记录,或者存在其他违反外键约束的情况。 检查下父表和子表 的结构定义及外键指向字段 手动验证父表中是否存在与子表外键对应的记录 1 个赞 旭辉...
obclient> ALTER TABLE cust ADD CONSTRAINT c_fk FOREIGN KEY (c_w_id) REFERENCES ware(w_name); ERROR 1215 (HY000): Cannot add foreign key constraint The error codes corresponding to this error message are as follows: Error code: ERROR 1215 ...
Foreign Key Constraint: associates one or more columns in two tables. A foreign key constraint is used to maintain the data consistency and integrity between associated tables. After you complete the setting of foreign key constraints, you cannot create new constraints or edit existing constraints. ...
UseADD FULLTEXT INDEX | KEYto create a full-text index. UseADD UNIQUE INDEX | KEYto create a unique index. UseADD FOREIGN KEYto create a foreign key. UseDROP PRIMARY KEYto drop a PRIMARY KEY constraint. Important Only OceanBase Database V4.0.0 and later versions support this operation. ...
Oceanbase社区版,以手工方式部署单节点的集群。 一、系统主机环境 操作系统: [kingbase@node203bin]$ cat/etc/centos-releaseCentOS Linuxrelease7.2.1511(Core) Tips:最少2核以上CPU [root@node203~]# lscpu Architecture: x86_64 CPU op-mode(s):32-bit,64-bit ...
constraint_clauses: {ADD{ { out_of_line_constraint }...|out_of_line_REF_constraint }|MODIFY {CONSTRAINTconstraint_name|PRIMARYKEY|UNIQUE(column[,column]...) } constraint_state [ CASCADE ]|RENAMECONSTRAINTold_nameTOnew_name|{ drop_constraint_clause }... } out_of_line_constraint: [CONSTRAI...