You took the test and now the teacher is handing back the results. Here are the Election Day 2022 School Board results from races affecting school communities across Ocean County and Monmouth County here in New Jersey. Keep checking back here as results come in from the Monmouth County Clerk'...
Since Jackson Skate Center is closing, we won't have a roller skating rink in Ocean County. There is a rumor that maybe a new one will be built in the same location, but we'll have to wait and see. I can't seem to get answers to that. If you know anything about a new on...
You took the test and now the teacher is handing back the results. Here are the Election Day 2022 School Board results from races affecting school communities across Ocean County and Monmouth County here in New Jersey. Keep checking back here as results come in from the Monmou...
LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born? Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significa...
“We’re providing to Bosch and it’s up to them if they want to supply to companies like Nikola. We haven’t banned sales to certain clients. They’re free to operate and sell their product.” When Subsequently Pressed on the Battery Acquisition by Tesla Fans, Trevor Dodged the Question...
* But European countries ship inject huge quantities of waste into Asian waste management streams, ostensibly for recycling. As much as 20% — millions of tons every year — ends up in the oceans and will continue to do so. * Since the Chinese banned waste imports at the start of the ye...
Here are how the Election Day 2022 results look as they pertain to votes across Monmouth County and Ocean County in New Jersey. Federal Election Races: 2nd Congressional District (Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland, Salem, part of Gloucester, and part of Ocean). ...
If you have any questions on anything as it relates to where or how to cast your ballot in Ocean County or Monmouth County, please contact the respective Clerk's Office.Everyone's ballot will include a Congressional race (different candidates depending on what district you're in), a County ...
If you have any questions on anything as it relates to where or how to cast your ballot inOcean CountyorMonmouth County, please contact the respective Clerk's Office. Everyone's ballot will include a Congressional race (different candidates depending on what district you're in), a County...