OW Offshore Wind Projects All you need to know about our projects around the world. Our projects Careers In order to achieve the company´s global aims, we need to recruit people who are dynamic and are looking for a challenge. Ocean Winds is looking for people with the skill sets that...
There are about 3,000 dolphins living in ocean parks around the world. People love watching them. But do they miss their home The dolphin in this picture might be able to help them return to the ocean. A US company built a life-like robotic dolphin. It acts robotic dolphin and sounds ...
Ishaq’s team modeled wind turbines, electrolyzers and DAC units on computers to confirm their proposed system is a good idea. The next step is to test a small version of this set up on a floating platform in the ocean. 1. Why are offshore wind farms built despite many difficulties?
I am a warm, protective, blanket.Wrapped around everyone on earth. 天衣无缝,我散发温暖,保护地球上的每一个人。 I can bring clouds, rain, and wind. I can be an ice storm. 风起云动雨飘,甚至狂风暴雨,都由我掌控。 Without me, you'd fry. 没有我,你将受尽烈日煎熬。 Every day, I am t...
Sabellaria reefsColonies have been found scattered along much of the neighboring coast. With potentially large reefs present at Hole Head at the north end of the open coast section and around Bundle Head and Labrador Bay on the south end of the open coast section ...
Oceanic tides lead to some of the largest currents of the world ocean and have important implications for oceanic circulation. In the last decade, the feedback effect of surface currents on the overlying winds has been shown to strongly regulate the ocea
, both accounting for a good chunk of ocean warming globally and adding heat to the atmosphere to influence weather around the world . el niño is now waning. the phenomenon and its counterpart la niña—a band of cold water in the same area—are perfectly natural, but now they’re ...
Offshore wind energy is widely regarded as one of the most credible sources for increasing renewable energy production towards a resilient and decarbonised energy supply. However, current expectations for the expansion of energy production from offshore
And they use the reflections of these sounds to map the ground beneath. It can sound like this. Then, there's the sound of the actual drilling for oil and gas, the construction of things like offshore wind farms, sonar and of course, the nearly constant drone from more than 50,000 ...
Settled by the first pioneers around 1867 and surrounded by tall heads of golden wheat, sheep and overlooked by the wind farms atop Barunga and Hummocks Ranges, this unassuming town involuntarily wrote itself into the history books for all the wrong reasons. I walked Fourth Street, the main ...