Oil painter Julie Kluh captures what is within and beyond the human form through the beauty, power, harmony and vibrance felt in moving water. Her beautiful paintings of water and waves invite us to dive in and feel the essence of what unites us! Commiss
Scott has motivated me to improve my way of painting waves. Is far more challenging and requires a little more time, but the results are impressive and it gives me confidence to value my work. Well worth the small investment for a course that is straight forward, easy to follow yet is ...
Crash went the waves, then there were two. Two little shells, sparkling in the sun, Crash went the waves, then there was one. One little shell, left by itself, I took it home and put it on my shelf. ~ Author Unknown ~ Creation Station Seahorse Collage: This activity goes great with...
*When tempests are tossing me to and fro And pressures like waves spill into my soul *Peace I...