J.: Map- ping nitrate in the global ocean using remotely sensed sea surface temperature, J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 108, 3280, doi:10.1029/2000jc000444, 2003.Switzer a C; Kamykowski D; Zentara S-J.Mapping nitrate in the global ocean using remotely sensed sea surface temperature.Journal ...
A statistical study of the connection between Southern Ocean satellite products of chlorophyll concentrations (SeaWIFS and MODIS), as predictands, and sea surface temperature, surface winds, stratification strength, and other local dynamical parameters, as predictors, will be performed, in order to der...
Active Atlantic hurricane seasons are favoured by positive precursor sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) in the main development region (MDR, 10–20°N, 20–80°W). Here, we identify a different driving mechanism for these anomalies in 2017 (most costly season on record) compared to the ...
Abstract:Altimetricseasurfaceheightdatawascombinedwith~2000000temperatureprofilestoestimateglobalupper750m oceanheatcontentanomaly.Theresultsshowedthatmostofthe10-yearvariationsignalscouldberesolvedbyin-situ temperatureprofilesalone,butintheregionswherein-situdataweresparse(e.g.,theSouthernOcean),thetemperaturedata we...
(i.e., dense layer, the predictand). The variables of the input layer include sea surface temperature (SST; °C), upper 300 m heat content (HC; °C), surface wind (Us and Vs; m s−1) anomaly from T-n-2 months to T-n months over the globe (0°–360°E and 55°S–...
1.1), such an equilibrium would be achieved when the temperature at the equator reached 270 K, the temperature at the South Pole 150 K, and the temperature at the North Pole 170 K. In fact the earth's surface is much warmer, and the contrast in temperature between the equator and the ...
Measurements of sea-surface temperature and sea-surface salinity obtained from ships-of-opportunity are used to map the fields in the tropical Indian Ocean. The seasonal variation is described in detail along the six shipping tracks that have the best data coverage: Gulf of Aden to La Reunion ...
lines represent the 28.5 °C isotherm that defines the modern Western Pacific Warm Pool. The map was generated by Ocean Data View software using the temperature data from World Ocean Atlas 2013 and colors represent the statistical mean of annual sea surface temperature (SST) from 1955 to ...
et al. Long-term high-resolution sediment and sea surface temperature spatial patterns in Arctic nearshore waters retrieved using 30-year landsat archive imagery. Remote Sens. 11, 2791 (2019). Article ADS Google Scholar Wegner, C. et al. Suspended particulate matter on the Laptev Sea shelf (...
To obtain the estimates of steric sea-level and ocean heat content anomalies from gridded sub-surface$T$and$S$estimate, we have to apply these six steps: Download a set of gridded estimates of temperature and salinity. We refer to this data as the 'source data`. The repository contains ...