Gamble-Dorn is also a recipient of the Thomas Jefferson Award for her dedication to fostering education in the Pacifica community. She taught at Ocean Shore for 20 years. Her daughters graduated from the school, and now her granddaughter attends there. The Charles A. Becker Foundation also dona...
Define Pacific Oceans. Pacific Oceans synonyms, Pacific Oceans pronunciation, Pacific Oceans translation, English dictionary definition of Pacific Oceans. The largest of the world's oceans, divided into the North Pacific Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean
Hamzah Alsaudi, 22, of Santa Monica, went for a swim Thursday morning with two other men when a wave hit him and pulled him away from the shore, the Pacifica Police Department said in anews release. Hamzah Alsaudi.San Francisco State The two other men were able to get out of the wat...