sea-surface temperature (SSTteleconnectionstreamflowhydrologyclimateAdour-GaronneFranceThe identification of Atlantic Ocean (AO) climatic drivers may prove valuable in long lead-time forecasting of streamflow in the Adour-Garonne basin in southwestern France. Previous studies have identified the Atlantic ...
While scientists have known that the sea surface would continue to warm up because of greenhouse gas emissions, they are still investigating exactly why temperatures have surged so far above previous years.
... 、风速、风向及海洋表面 温度(ocean surface temperature) 等数据 , 帮助更准确地预测飓风的来临和 ...|基于18个网页 2. 海面温度 而飓风的形成受到两个因素影响:风切变(vertical wind shear)和海面温度(ocean surface temperature)。(Q1) ...
For central India and its west coast, rainfall in the early (15 May–20 June) and late (15 September–20 October) monsoon season correlates with Pacific Ocean sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the preceding month (April and August, respectively) sufficiently well, that those SST anoma...
Atmosphere–ocean coupling off the western Iberian Peninsula (IP) was empirically explored using Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) of Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) and ocean winds. The analyses were performed at three different spatio-temporal levels: a) regional-scale, 1° × 1°, monthly dat...
Interannual variability of sea surface temperature and circulation in the tropical western Indian Ocean A regional ocean model was used to study interannual variations in the Tanzanian shelf region and offshore in the tropical western Indian Ocean for the per... Manyilizu,Dufois,Penven,... - 《...
A suite of high-resolution satellite measurements are used to investigate local atmospheric response to a sea surface temperature (SST) front over the East China Sea and its seasonal variation. The analyses reveal a significant in-phase relationship betw
aSea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the tropical Pacific Ocean have increased steadily since February,and are now greater than +0.5 °C in the key NINO regions 海表面温度 (SST) 反常现象在热带太平洋从2月在钥匙NINO地区平稳地增加了,并且现在是大于+0.5 °C[translate]...
It has been challenging to detect trends of tropical cyclone (TC) properties due to temporal heterogeneities and short duration of the direct observations. TCs impact the ocean surface temperature by creating cold wakes as a “fingerprint”. Here we infe
3) Sea surface temperature in the eastern tropical Pacific 热带东太平洋海温4) the tropical Pacific-Indian Ocean temperature anomaly mode 热带太平洋-印度洋海温异常综合模5) Pacific SST 太平洋海温 1. Relationship Between Pacific SST and Spring,Summer Temperature over Qinghai-Xizang Plateau; 青藏...