It’s not to say China has been ignoring their pollution problem; in fact China has enacted over ninety articles regulating water pollution (Li and Liu). If these issues are not regulated properly, the pollution levels will continue to increase and become even more detrimental to all life in...
Ocean pollution has become one of the largest and sometimes even conflicting subjects which very often result in threats to marine ecosystems, human health, and diminishing food sources. Ocean waste includes all material that is discarded accidentally or purposefully from vessels, ships, and other oc...
plastic pollution is an ongoing issue. Here, plastic bottles in particular visibly litter the land and waterways in some areas due to alack of a proper waste management system. And while the U.S. is one of the world’s biggest plastic waste producers, much of ourgarbage has been shipped o...
De, L. C., Luís, L. G., & Guilhermino, L. (2015). Effects of microplastics on juveniles of the common goby (Pomatoschistus microps): confusion with prey, reduction of the predatory performance and efficiency, and possible influence of developmental conditions.Environmental pollution,196, 359...
But all is not lost. Some companies, like HP, are stepping in to help. Because of the overwhelming global plastic pollution problem, HP is working to divert ocean-bound plastic into our circular supply chain, where it can be recycled into new, high-value products. ...
Noise pollution from Arctic expedition cruise vessels: understanding causes, consequences and governance options Fabienne Mannherz Maaike Knol-Kauffman Bjørn Ivar Kruke ArticleOpen Access10 Oct 2024 Conducting marine genetic research for whom? Mapping knowledge flows from science to patents ...
Ten years of oil pollution detection in the Eastern Mediterranean shipping lanes opposite the Egyptian coast using remote sensing techniques Salma M. Baghdady & Ali A. Abdelsalam Article 03 August 2024 | Open Access Navigating climate complexity and its control via hyperchaotic dynamics in a ...
On the path to minimize plastic pollution: The perceived importance of education and knowledge dissemination strategies Joana Soares, Isabel Miguel, Cátia Venâncio, Isabel Lopes, Miguel Oliveira October 2021 Article 112890 select article Marine seabed litter in Siberian Arctic: A first attempt to ...
But all is not lost. Some companies, like HP, are stepping in to help. Because of the overwhelming global plastic pollution problem, HP is working to divert ocean-bound plastic into our circular supply chain, where it can be recycled into new, high-value products. ...
boundary layers, pollution, aerosols; circulation, cloud physics, hydrology, air-sea interactions; waves, ice, energy exchange and related environmental topics. Contributors need not be members of the Society nor need they be Canadian; foreign contributions are welcomed. All submissions are subject to...