クルーズシップ写真Cruise Ship Photos 船内見学・食事会・イベントOpen Ship Events 「さんふらわあ」スペシャルAbout Ferry, Sun Flower series 懐かしの船 メモリアルコーナーShip's Memorial Goods 横浜ポートウォークYokohama Port Walk 厳選マリングッズ(書籍・雑誌・DVD)Marine Goods ブ...
27-October-2022 - Opening Ceremony of K Marine Ship Management Pte. Ltd 17-October-2022 - K LINE received a certificate of appreciation from Ofunato City in Iwate Prefecture Japan 11-October-2022 - Conduct Emergency Response Exercise 7-October-2022 - NEDO Demonstration Project Demonstration ...
The Ocean Cleanup has partnered with Clean Harbours Jamaica and the GraceKennedy Foundation to deploy a range of Interceptors throughout the city’s drainage gullies, aiming to prevent an estimated 1000 tons of trash flowing yearly into Kingston Harbour, and further into our shared oceans. Intercep...
This is what happens when plastic is thrown into the oceanGrace Raver
“A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are built for,” Grace Hopper, United States Navy rear admiral and a computer scientist, who was considered the mother of programming languages, often said. Her message - an analogy between a man setting out on a new endeavor and a...
Integral functions of marine vertebrates in the ocean carbon cycle and climate change mitigationdoi:10.1016/j.oneear.2022.03.004Angela Helen MartinHeidi Christine PearsonGrace Kathleen SabaEsben Moland OlsenElsevier Inc.One Earth
Implications of better understanding the integral functions of marine vertebrates in the ocean C cycle include the need for consideration of these functions both in policies on nature-based climate change mitigation and adaptation, and in management of marine vertebrate populations....
Currently, the Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1/2, ERS-1/2, ENVISAT, Nimbus-7-SMMR, AVHRR, and the other AVISO product sensors are widely used to assimilate ocean/sea subsurface water temperature and the GOES, M-AERI, AMSR-E, GRACE, GEOSAT, SMOS, SMAP, Seasat, SeaSoar-JES, SeaWiFS, and ...