Riha ignored Aikari's fidgeting and let out an innocent whistle of happiness, oblivious to Aikari's fidgeting or Delphyne's grumpy mood as she turned around, only to grab the dragon girl by the tail with her other hand and drag her two newest crew members through the gate before it cl...
We are located on a peninsula with one road leading into the Club. That road has a guard gate that is manned 24 hours a day. Arrival by water means arrival through one of our canals or the main channel which are all monitored electronically as well as observed through security boat patrol...
It is a maze but rest assured that I optimized my path as much as possible. At the gate, I make sure to get the powerful WAVE CUTTER and LIGHT FLARE Lv. 4. Once inside there are a lot of items to grab, and I have to be somewhat selective with what I pick up. I first move a...
In contrast, climate science charges forward with no public doubts despite: model parameterization and “ensembles of opportunity”, AR5’s revision of the lower limit for ECS after AR4 lowered it, decreased confidence in the MWP, the effect of GW on hurricanes, Climategate, misused of extr...