Microbial activity in marine sediment acts as a barrier that generally prevents methane from escaping. However, a survey from the Baltic Sea suggests that in many locations the microbial population falters and methane can pass through freely. ...
This paper studies the error that occurs when measuring surface currents with a current meter mounted on a buoy or a mooring line whose horizontal and vertical motions respond to the presence of waves. The error is defined with respect to an Eulerian ref
For Extended Data Fig.3we performed the same procedure as above for each individual MODIS-Aqua waveband ofRrs. Extended Data Fig.4is identical to Extended Data Fig.3but with locations where SNR < 2 for all wavebands removed, to show that individual wavebands have significant trends in ...
develop a system that integrates species distribution data (i.e. records of the geographic locations where a species has been observed, plus additional information such as the abundance found) with environmental information such as temperature, nutrient levels, bathymetry, and modeled ocean currents. ...
, biological and geochemical mapping of the seabed (http://www.mareano.no) has since 2006 been assigned to study sediment chemical composition in the western Barents Sea, eastern Norwegian Sea and northeastern North Sea, and has delivered data on PFAS in surface sediments from 95 locations. ...
Sediment waves and other evidence of strong paleo-bottom current activity were observed in the deep Arctic Ocean during the 1967 through 1970 drift of Fletcher's Ice Island (T-3). On the crest of the Alpha Cordillera, between depths of 1100 and 2500 m, a blanket of sediment waves approxima...
OceanSurfaceCurrentAnalysis(OSCAR)ThirdDegree...Ocean Surface Current Analysis (OSCAR) Third Degree Resolution User’s Handbook Copyright 2009 California Institute of Technology.All rights reserved.
For instance, the carbon sampling and analysis (DIC, TA, pH, and/or pCO2) on WOCE cruises was a JGOFS project; university scientists participated in OACES cruises; and JGOFS incorporated time series stations at fixed locations (Hawaii and Bermuda), while WOCE had a suite of sections that ...
There is also an asymmetric pattern for the tidal flows caused by the deformation of the dominant astronomical tidal constituents, M2 and M4, due to the non-linear interaction of tidal currents with the irregular creek geometry and bottom topography. Tidal asymmetry promotes the progressive infilling...
I am a bit confused about the different names for ocean storms. What is the difference between a tropical depression, a tropical storm, and a hurricane? I know that a hurricane is the most intense storm you can have, but what does a storm have to be to qualify as the other two? I...