In parallel, many international organizations including the World Bank, OECD and FAO are advocating for and driving Blue Economy agendas, framing ocean- based development activities as the new horizon for twenty-first century social- economic prosperity. The term 'Blue Economy' emerged from ...
Rosenthal, Yair; Boyle, Edwards A; Labeyrie, Laurent D (1997): Isotope rates and Cd/Ca ratios in benthic foraminifera from the Southern Ocean. Dataset #868710 (DOI registration in progress), Supplement to: Rosenthal, Y et al. (1997): Last Glacial Maximum paleochemistry and ...
2). These dredges are spatially spread out over 900 km from the Paisley Mount (DR84–0026) to the Jaguar Bank (DR19) and under the influence of the MC, which spreads from the northern part of the Mozambique Channel and is dragged southbound. 6 of them are located north of the ...
These databases included (1) ‘NCBI nr’, NCBI non-redundant database, (2) the ‘FunGene database’, nifH genes curated from NCBI GenBank database and stored in the FunGene database46 (available from, and (3) the ‘Zehr Database’, a nifH gene ...
判断题Ocean freight rates may be broadly divided into tramp rates and liner freight rates.() 参考答案:正确 您可能感兴趣的试卷 你可能感兴趣的试题 1.判断题A vessel that has loaded exports can leave a port only when port clearance is granted by customs authorities.() 参考答案:正确 2.判断...
As mud-bank dynamics respond to the wave-driven longshore currents (Eisma et al., 1991; Lakhan and Pepper, 1997), the expected clockwise rotation of wave direction may reduce the northeast component of the incident power, altering the rates of bank migration. In addition, the largest effects...
This work aims to analyze the evolution of Bou-Ismail coastline in Algeria using aerial photographs and quick-bird satellite image during the elapsed perio
Membrane lipid molecules are a major component of planktonic organisms and this is particularly true of the microbial picoplankton that dominate the open ocean; with their high surface-area to volume ratios, the synthesis of membrane lipids places a major demand on their overall cell metabolism. Sp...
ciliatum in the monospecific seagrass meadows in the Great Chagos Bank (Esteban et al. 2018). It is noteworthy that some daytime locations for tracked turtles were deep, being up to 90 m. The foraging site in Farquhar atoll is in the vicinity of a very steep drop-off (< 1 km ...
Based on a dataset of 16,991 and 307 morphospecies of polychaete worms collected from 58 epibenthic sledge deployments across the Scotia and Amundsen Seas,