You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Atmosphere—Ocean Dynamics In International Geophysics, 1982 9.13 Buoyancy Forcing The ocean–atmosphere system is driven by radiation from the sun (see chapter 1), which produces internal sources of heat within the ocean–atmosphere...
THE ATMOSPHERE AND THE OCEAN - ScienceDirectdoi:10.1016/B978-0-7506-3716-9.50006-5AN OPEN UNIVERSITY COURSE TEAMOcean Circulation
Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research (OLAR) 已正式上线 由南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(珠海)(以下简称南方海洋实验室)主办的英文学术期刊Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research (OLAR) 已正式上线! OLAR 由南方海洋实验室和美国科学促进会(AAAS,Science系列期刊出版方)合作出版,以“服务科学研究,推动技术创新”为办刊宗旨,坚...
纽约大学大气海洋科学Atmosphere Ocean Science 该中心的大气海洋科学 是单位数学系的内科朗数学研究所。我们的 使命是通过使用数学和计算工具以及对观测的分析,提高我们对耦合的大气、海洋和冰系统的理解和能力;并培训下一代领先的理论和计算气候科学家,以应对 21 世纪最重要的问题之一。 多样性、公平性和包容性:大气...
Earth science,earth atmosphere and the ocean。早期地球的大气的形成还有海洋的形成是 hotly debated,有人认为是地下的 mantle 含有大量的水,随着地质变化例如火山运动等到达了地表,冷凝形成水,而地球上 mantle 的水含量也确实多。有些人认为,可能是外太空的 comet 或者 meteorite 带来的,但是如果是这样应该有大量的...
For advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in atmospheric, oceanic, and climate science, Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics is an introductory textbook on the circulations of the atmosphere and ocean and their interaction, with an emphasis on global scales. It will give students a...
We took monthly outputs of ocean and atmosphere fields from 31 CMIP6 models in which data are available for ocean temperature, surface wind stress, heat flux (latent heat flux from Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology Earth System Model was unavailable) and Antarctic sea ice concentrati...
摘要: A review on the anthropogenic global warming,its associated carbon cycle and feedback processes in the atmosphere and ocean was given.关键词: human activity global warming atmosphere and ocean carbon cycle feedback processes 被引量: 27 ...
地址:广东省珠海市香洲区唐家湾镇中山大学珠海校区海琴4号楼Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research编辑部 邮编:519082 电话:0756-6841273 官方微信公众号:OLAR海陆气研究(OLAR_SML) 官网邮箱(20220520更新) 网址: ...