Once you begin to understand and label what is really going on, you can begin to consider other non-compulsive and non-avoidant options. When we are hit with a blast of anxiety, it may feel like a huge tidal wave that will destroy us. In OCD and other anxiety disorders, we often move...
When dealing with the unwanted thoughts, feelings and sensations experienced in OCD and related anxiety conditions, resistance to your situation is not the answer. Mindful acceptance is almost always a better way to respond to these uncomfortable internal experiences. There are many other examples that...
Social anxiety disorder: characterized by anxiety related to interacting or being seen by others. The learning perspective: explain anxiety from the aspects of conditioning, observational learning, and cognition Stimulus Generalization Stimulus generalization is the ability to behave in a new situation in ...
to children with no biological origin. Traumatic life events have also been known to increase the risk of OCD, and the disorder can be related to anxiety disorders, depression, substance abuse, and nervous tics. OCD is considered to be a life-long disorder, and symptoms can often grow ...
including fears of harming others. Pedophilia-themed obsessions may produce an even greater level of discomfort, anxiety, and shame for sufferers due to the distasteful and offensive nature of the obsessions. When the OCD is severe and persistent, clients are often unable to manage the disorder ...
OCD compulsions are repetitive behaviors that you feel driven to perform. These repetitive behaviors are meant to prevent or reduce anxiety related to your obsessions or prevent something bad from happening. However, engaging in the compulsions brings no pleasure and may offer only a temporary relie...
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety-related condition that causes much suffering and even disability. Researchers have determined that the symptoms of OCD tend to fall into four different categories, calledOCD symptom dimensions. Each dimension includes both obsessions and compulsions. ...
Welcome to my psychology practice. I am on a mission to provide effective treatment for OCD and other anxiety disorders. I offer evidence-based practice, a combination of research, clinical expertise, and your contributions.
Because depression often accompanies anxiety disorders and is particularly responsive to CBT, we also treat: We also treat other OCD-related disorders such as: We specialize in Do you reside beyond New Jersey's borders? Worry not, as we extend our services across the entire nation! Explore...
Cognitive Behavioral therapy for Anxiety, OCD, Tics, and Trichotillomania for children, adolescents, and adults.