David’s OCD is separate from him and is notwhohe is. Naming the OCD assists me in telling David that Herb is “doing it.” I have found that by addressing the cycles this way, I am not attacking my partner as a person as much as I am reminding him that Herb has taken control ...
My research and clinical work have convinced me there's a lack of understanding of what drives OCD from the inside out, and unfortunately, it harms the very people who are looking for answers to find their hidden potential. Where Does Adam Grant Fit in With OCD? I don't usually look ...
His education includes 5 degrees and multiple scholarships from the University of Pennsylvania, University of Chicago, and Yeshiva University including his Psy.D. (Doctorate in Psychology). He began treating OCD 30 years ago, working with top names in psychology research, several psychiatric hospitals...
"ROCD symptoms are often overlooked by family and couple therapists," said study researcher Guy Doron, of the School of Psychology at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya in Israel. The new findings mean that people's sexual problems might stem from having ROCD and not knowing it, Doro...
If not, you arenot eligiblefor remote treatment. Due to the way that the process of psychology is regulated, I can only offer remote treatment in states where I am licensed to practice (i.e., Florida and Missouri), as well as in some foreign countries. This is true even for video-con...
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center of Silicon Valleyoffers evidence-based therapy forAnxietyandObsessive Compulsive Disordernear the following Silicon Valley/San Jose communities: San Jose Therapy Counseling•Saratoga Therapy Counseling•Los Gatos Therapy Counseling•Monte Sereno Therapy Counseling•Cupertino...
System 1’s quick judgments keep us safe from threats and lead us toward rewards. System 1 thinking operates in alignment with one of psychology’s foundational precepts, the“pleasure principle”, which postulates that we instinctually seek pleasure and avoid pain. We don’t generally put a lo...
“I love that the students are no longer ashamed,” Cuddy said. It seems Brian R. Little, a professor of psychology at Cambridge University, quoted in aNew York Times Op Talk column, agrees, “You could almost say that introversion has become the new cool…there has been a recognition of...
Remus comes into the life of a young white boy named Johnny (Bobby Driscoll) just when Johnny needs him most. Johnny’s father has left for Atlanta, and the boy wants to run away from home. Unlike Johnny’s mother, Remus understands the psychology of children, and instead of telling John...
A father of a newborn came in to see me reporting that he hadn’t slept in four days and was fearful he would have a nervous breakdown. Upon inquiry, he hesitantly admitted that he was having recurrent thoughts of killing his newborn son, a common fear of people with Pure-O OCD. Peo...