The events that occur in meiosis but not mitosis includehomologous chromosomes pairing up, crossing over, and lining up along the metaphase plate in tetrads. Why is meiosis 2 necessary? The two chromosomes are not seperated during Meiosis I. The cells are diploid, thereforein order to distribute...
Which part of meiosis is the same as mitosis? Does synapsis occur during mitosis? Where in somatic cells does mitosis occur? Interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis are the three stages of the cell cycle. Briefly describe what happens in each of these stages. ...
In somatic cell division, a cell undergoes a nuclear division called 1. and a division of its cytoplasm called the cell cycle / cytokinesis meiosis / mitosis A. B. mitosis /cytokinesis prophase/cytoki 1 answer Which stage of mitosis proceeds to metaphase?
Three types of cells in the body undergo mitosis. They aresomatic cells, adult stem cells, and the cells in the embryo. Somatic cells – Somatic cells are the regular cells in the body of multicellular organisms. What are the steps of cytokinesis?
国务院印发的《个人所得税专项附加扣除暂行办法》,自 2019年1月1日起施行。个人所得税专项附加扣除是指个人所得税法规定的子女教育、继续教育、大病医疗、住房贷款利息、 住房租金和赡养老人等 6 项专项附加扣除。由此可见,新个税改革有助于 ①消除个人收入分配上的差距 ②让人们有更强的获得感和幸福感 ...
Somatic cells are reproduced during the process of ___. a. mitosis. b. fusion. c. meiosis. d. fission. Sexual reproduction in plants, animals, fungi, and other organisms could not happen without meiosis. What is the primary reason for that? MITOS...
Meiosis is a specialized type of cell division, where cells go through one DNA duplication, and two rounds of division. The product of this division is four cells with half the genetic material of the parent cell. Meiosis is the process that creates gametic cells for sexual reproduction....
Fertilization is the union of male and female gametes (haploid cells) in organisms that reproduce sexually. The resulting offspring will have a combined genetic material of the male and female parents.Answer and Explanation: Fertilization usually occurs in the upper third region of the fallopian ...