Synonyms come to mind strike someone dawn on someone come to you spring to mind cross someone's mind present itself to someone enter someone's head offer itself to someone suggest itself to someone Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © Harper...
Define occurred. occurred synonyms, occurred pronunciation, occurred translation, English dictionary definition of occurred. intr.v. oc·curred , oc·cur·ring , oc·curs 1. To take place; come about. See Synonyms at happen. 2. To be found to exist or ap
Define co-occurred. co-occurred synonyms, co-occurred pronunciation, co-occurred translation, English dictionary definition of co-occurred. vb to happen at the same time as something else Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Editio
Be sure to judge synonyms on a case-by-case basis. Now that you know the meaning of the word, let’s dig into the different spellings and which one you should use in your writing. If you’re looking for antonyms of occur, try using one of these words: → hide → stop → ...
It’s great to know the different ways to useoccurred, however, if you want to avoid using the word all together here are a few synonyms: Arose Came up Cropped (up) Materialized Sprang (up) Examples of Occured Used in Sentences
Luke 5:6 Richard Trench, Synonyms of the New Testament. Luke 5:11 Joseph Thayer, A Greek-English Lexicon. Luke 5:14 Marvin Vincent, Word Studies. Luke 5:14 Richard Trench, Notes on the Miracles of our Lord. Luke 5:17 Some ancient manuscripts so read. Luke 5:24 Joseph Thayer, A Gre...