In particular, the transition to carbonate rich deposits starting with Layer 3 is clearly evident at both sites, reflected in both the macroscopic presence of carbonates, and changes in composition of fine sediments. The presence of dense, powdery calcretes in Layer 5 enables close comparisons ...
Updates to Filing Information Returns: Starting from January 2025, candidates submitting tax returns must follow the updated guidelines, which include limiting submissions to a single type of return and notifying businesses in case of discrepancies before filing. Administrative Relief for T4/T4A Reporting...
Video recordings were instead acquired every day, starting from the opening of the nest to hens (at 6:00 a.m.) and stopping before the manual closing of the nest (at 18:00 p.m.). 2.4. The “Nest-Usage-Sensor” Developed The “nest usage sensor” was basically a machine vision ...
Video recordings were instead acquired every day, starting from the opening of the nest to hens (at 6:00 a.m.) and stopping before the manual closing of tShenesonress2t01(8a,t1188, 1:0320 p.m.). 6 of 18 FFiigguurree 22.. FFllooww ddiiaaggrraamm ooff tthhee ssooffttwwaarree a...