Starting from the structure of the transports and their drivers (firefighters, police, racing car driver, engineer, pilot), each game provide different experience. ' When I grew up, what do I want to do?' Firefighters, police, racing car driver, construction engineer or pilot?...Come for ...
Both sites reflect key changes in the sediment sequence previously reported from the site. In particular, the transition to carbonate rich deposits starting with Layer 3 is clearly evident at both sites, reflected in both the macroscopic presence of carbonates, and changes in composition of fine se...
Video recordings were instead acquired every day, starting from the opening of the nest to hens (at 6:00 a.m.) and stopping before the manual closing of tShenesonress2t01(8a,t1188, 1:0320 p.m.). 6 of 18 FFiigguurree 22.. FFllooww ddiiaaggrraamm ooff tthhee ssooffttwwaarree a...