Starting from an exact recursion relation of the formA(q,N)=Σi,jA(qi,Nj)Cij, we present a recursion method for calculating the various momentsμN(m)=Σq=0NqmA(q,N).These results are applied to obtain the occupation statistics for occupation of a 2 ×Narray by parallel and not necess...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
We handle a problem to assign the starting offsets of a collision-free schedule in a certain form called a well-formed gcd notation. Each activity in an activity set recurs with its own period. If more than one activity occurs at the same time slot, it is a collision. If a schedule ...
The reddish-brown layers visible along the entire southern profile represent the stratigraphic component C (SC-C), starting downwards with stratum 1212, the terminal LGM chronostratigraphic marker that defines the separation between SC-B and SC-C (Fig. 1b, Extended Data Fig. 7). Extended Data ...
As shown in Figs 2 and 3, all of the replicates using different random seeds and starting values showed a similar posterior distribution of demographic parameters. Thus, we combined the latter 50% of the iterations from different replicates for subsequent analyses. The results of Beaumont method...
2 Instead, Malaya: The Making of a Neo-Colony focuses on the long history of the colonial project in Malaya from 1874 to 1957, building connections between the early colonial era with that of the post-World War Two British reoccupation.3 This article takes as its starting point the idea ...
Moreover, we argue that the effect of different IT skills also depends on the type and the weights of the other skills with which workers combine these IT skills. In particular, we attribute a major role to the interaction of IT skills with the specificity of workers’ skill bundles. Using...
While, in principle, healthcare facilities in the host country are open to those migrants registered with the Ministry of Labour, their actual healthcare-seeking preferences and practices, as well as those of unregistered migrants, are not well documented. This study aimed to describe the patterns...
Certainly, the data obtained so far, though interesting, must be considered as just a starting point for a re-examination of the materials kept in our museums (Procelli, 2000) and for new surveys on the territory. “Only multifactorial and Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare ...
While, in principle, healthcare facilities in the host country are open to those migrants registered with the Ministry of Labour, their actual healthcare-seeking preferences and practices, as well as those of unregistered migrants, are not well documented. This study aimed to describe the patterns...