The classical generative methods include meaning shift (Bolme et al., 2010). The discriminant method considers the object tracking problem as a one-zero problem and designs a classifier that can separate objects from the context and background to complete the object tracking and some missions (...
The first method that allowed simulating ambient occlusion in real time was developed by the research and development department of the German company Crytek in the development of graphical components of the CryEngine 2 game engine. “Crysis,” released in the fall of 2007, is the first game on...
In such a case, and given the meaning of distance functions Φ, Φ0, and displacement h, HΦ − HΦ0 will be 1 and the shape term will be equal to λsp. Omitting the smoothness term, the point will be claimed by the background if λsp is smaller than ξ1 − ξ2. Otherwise...
Additionally, different ethical backgrounds and cultural differences could also have an effect, meaning that what is considered happy or sad may be understood differently by different people [10,14]. Furthermore, the discrimination between spontaneous and deceptive emotions is challenging [13]. ...
where I =(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) is a unit vector, and other parameters have the same meaning as those in Equation (11). (4) Road constraint A road can be divided into rectangular strips consisting of vertices V = {v10, v11, v20, v21,…, vn0, vn1} distributed on both sides of the...
A triplet is considered “hard” if the distance between the anchor and the positive is greater than the distance between the anchor and the negative, meaning that the negative is closer to the anchor than the positive. On the other hand, a triplet is considered “easy” if the distance ...
Vehicle detection can use several sensors and has a different meaning in this area, e.g., from a moving camera for driver assistance, or from static camera for traffic surveillance, as in our case. Thus, vehicle detection is the first step of a vision-based traffic monitoring process with ...
In fact, the effect of sampling stride can only be seen in the results down to the fifth decimal place, meaning that the sampling stride does not seem to have much of an effect. The developed lane detection approach was compared with other algorithms published in the current literature to ...