(ttm) 1.68 p/e (ttm) 10.26 fwd p/e (ntm) - ebitda (ttm) - roe (ttm) - revenue (ttm) - gross margin (ttm) - net margin (ttm) - debt to equity (mrq) - events earnings date 08/12/2024 0.44 split date
View up to 10 years of historical datafor key global markets e.g. SG, US, HK. Track the calendar of eventsof your preferred stocks, from earnings to dividends season. Customise charts according to your preferenceswith an array of intuitive drawing tools. Past performance is not necessarily in...
Trump’s second Presidency is expected to be broadly supportive of the US economy and corporate earnings, although inflation risks could cause the Fed to pause or even stop rate cuts after March 2025. The potential extension of Trump’s tax cuts enacted in 2017 and expiring end-2025, could l...
EQUITY Share capital Other equity instruments Reserves: Capital reserves Fair value reserves Revenue reserves Total reserves of which: Retained earnings of which: Accumulated other comprehensive income and other disclosed reserves of which: Cash flow hedge ...
Make more informed decisions using stock fundamentals to analyse metrics such as earnings and cash-flows Evaluate if the stock is undervalued or overvalued with access to data on the company’s financial health and industry position Gain access to information across different sectors and industries wit...
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