Invest, track your finances, turn spending into rewards, get instant credit card approvals with OCBC Digital. Download the OCBC mobile banking app today.
digital banking Call the shots with Digital Banking With OCBC Digital Banking, you're in your turf. Pay anyone, get personalised insights, invest and more when you want it, how you want it. Manage your finances Your money in your hands ...
Bank safely & securely no matter where you are with our digital banking services and step-by-step guides to help you. Download the OCBC Digital app today. 新加坡华侨银行OCBC保姆级开户指南-4 点击Next-Next-Got it,选择简体中文: 新加坡华侨银行OCBC保姆级开户指南-5 点击 注册成为新客户: 新加坡华侨银行OCBC保姆级开户指南-6 点击持电子护照的外国人,电子护照目前支持中国香港、马拉西亚、印尼、...
1、先在google play应用商店下载新加坡华侨银行官方的APP:OCBC Digital,APP图标大概是下图这样的: 2、打开下载好的APP,选择中文,方便后续简单易懂进行,再点击“注册成为新用户”。 3、选择“持有电子护照的外国人”,明确写了,支持中国大陆护照的,然后再点击“开始申请”。
首先去华侨银行APP上看下入金账户信息,路径:首页-请完成你的设置进入 Swift编码:OCBCSGSGXXX (华侨银行显示8位数的OCBCSGSG,银行汇过去时候可能需要输入11位,后面补上X)银行名称:Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited Singapore 银行地址:63 Chulia Strel #10-00, OCBC Centre East, Singapore 049514 ...
1.下载 OCBC APP,搜索ocbc,下载OCBC Digital-Mobile banking 2.填写你的手机号码 3.护照-扫描有照片那面下方的条码,之后把护照正面放在手机下方,尤其是靠近相机镜头的位置,让NFC识别护照的芯片。 4.拍身份证时,推荐使用深色的底拍正面,斜面,背面不能有强光,也不能太暗 ...
OCBC全称Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation,即新加坡华侨银行,是新加坡第二大银行,目前对大陆居民开放,有护照就行,下载App直接线上申请基本秒批,开户费用算是零成本,对跨境打工人来说算是目前比较好开且成本不高的正经海外账户了。申请好后还有一张实体卡寄过来,注册后30天内入金1000新元会有15新元奖励,入金的话国...
Get ready for the all-new OCBC app that is designed to understand your banking needs, wants and quirks better than your best friend. With customisable shortcuts and a personalised experience, the OCBC app is here to make banking as smooth as your morning coffee. ...
OCBC Digital - Mobile BankingValutazioni e recensioni 4,9su 5 7.426 valutazioni 退出之后重新登录要短信验证码,重新发送了好多次都收不到,而且电话客服也没有华语客服,都是英文客服 Each fund transfer above $200 needs a hardware token. Never offer digital token service like other banks! The most ridic...