bank safely with ocbc money lock Secure your savings with our new anti-scam feature What’s more, your 360 Account comes with Money Lock built-in – our latest security feature that enables you to lock up the funds in your account to protect them from scams. And best yet, locked funds ...
bank safely with ocbc money lock Secure your savings with our new anti-scam feature What’s more, your 360 Account comes with Money Lock built-in – our latest security feature that enables you to lock up the funds in your account to protect them from scams. And best yet, locked funds ...
首先你要去下载一个OCBC APP 它叫「OCBC Digital Bank」 可以直接在国区的苹果商店下载到 安卓手机还是需要一个魔法 然后在谷歌商店里才可以下载到 这里要注意一定要用它的APP去开户 不要在网页版开户 下载好之后 它长第二幅图片这样子 打开OCBC APP 给它所有权限 不论它要求什么权限都给它打开 然后一直点「Ne...
4.1 账户管理费 最优惠好方便的方式:保留360 Account+Global Saving Account(没管理费),360 Account存1000新元 ,借记卡可以正常用,这样管理费一年24新元, 直接存3000新元直接没管理费了。Statement Saving Account直接不存钱6个月就让自动关闭。360 Account:至少1000新元避免关户;次年开始收管理费,账户内低于3...
OCBC Bank(华侨银行)是新加坡最大的本地银行之一,也是一家国际化的银行,提供全球范围内的银行服务。支持中文界面,不用本人到现场就能开户。非常适合进行国际交易和跨境业务的相关资金往来。 2. 服务好、便利性高:华侨银行在银行界的声誉很好,准确的说在整个华人世界的声誉都很好,而且在线网银服务、各种各样的支付...
OCBC Bank(华侨银行)是新加坡最大的本地银行之一,也是一家国际化的银行,提供全球范围内的银行服务。支持中文界面,不用本人到现场就能开户。非常适合进行国际交易和跨境业务的相关资金往来。 服务好、便利性高:华侨银行在银行界的声誉很好,准确的说在整个华人世界的声誉都很好,而且在线网银服务、各种各样的支付解决...
Fresh graduate, or identify as quite fresh? OCBC 360 Account and FRANK Credit Card will help you grow your money while doing what you do best. Basics first Start with the easy wins OCBC 360 Account Up to 2.55% a year for just crediting your salary ...
Doing this one thing is the first step to having more money in your bank account! This is brought to you in collaboration between FRANK by OCBC and The Simple Sum. Blog post10 mins read The little dröm store collabs with FRANK by OCBC ...
360 Account:至少1000新元避免关户;次年开始收管理费,账户内低于3000新元,收每月2新元管理费。 Statement Saving Account:至少1000新元避免关户;账户内低于1000新元收每月2新元管理费;账户内不存钱的话6个月自动关闭。 Global Saving Account:无管理费,5000美元才有利息。
Alternatively, the account can be closed if it is your last/only holding with the Bank. 我第一次遇到的答复是上面不给关的提示;过了一段时间再提交一次,就给我关掉了。(可参考这个帖子) 建议 尽早处理 遇到问题多试几次 准备证件和手机