If, on the other hand, price determination in the material ledger is accompanied by revaluation of the closing stock, the price and exchange rate differences are posted to the stock account (i.e. the stock is revalued). Price differences (PRD) Price differences arise for materials valuated at...
·PRU for transfer postings (price differences in the case of external amounts) 如果企业物料采用STD而需将价差细分可使用PRF,PRA,PRU acct. modif. PRC PRD PRG PRK 使用cost object hierarchy的价差科目 见KTR. PRM PRP PRQ PRV ML低层价差 PRY ML相关成本价格差额 RAP RKA RUE 预提delivery cost科目 ...
·PRU for transfer postings (price differences in the case of external amounts) 如果企业物料采用STD而需将价差细分可使用PRF,PRA,PRU acct. modif. PRC PRD PRG PRK 使用cost object hierarchy的价差科目 见KTR. PRM PRP PRQ PRV ML低层价差 PRY ML相关成本价格差额 RAP RKA RUE 预提delivery cost科目 ...
简介:OBYC配置中,很多小伙伴对于每个记账码的用途不是很明白,只知道库存记账GBB之类的几个常用记账码,下面是笔者在使用过程中用到并整理的部分资料 ,希望能帮到有用的人!
Solved: Dear all, while cancelling GI with ref to outbound delivery (in case of STO)i m getting an error for obyc settings missing for PRD tr event key and PUR account
21、or transfer postings (price differences in the case of external amounts)如果企业物料采用STD而需将价差细分可使用PRF,PRA,PRU acct. modif.PRCPRDPRGPRK使用 cost object hierarchy的价差科目见 KTR.PRMPRPPRQPRVML低层价差PRYML相关本钱价格差额RAPRKARUE预提 delivery cost科目在 PO 有 condition type 使...
·PRU for transfer postings (price differences in the case of external amounts) 如果企业物料采用STD而需将价差细分可使用PRF,PRA,PRU acct. modif. PRC PRD PRG PRK 使用cost object hierarchy的价差科目 见KTR. PRM PRP PRQ PRV ML低层价差 PRY ML相关成本价格差额 RAP RKA RUE 预提delivery cost科目 ...
·PRU for transfer postings (price differences in the case of external amounts) 如果企业物料采用STD而需将价差细分可使用PRF,PRA,PRU acct. modif. PRC PRD PRG PRK 使用cost object hierarchy的价差科目 见KTR. PRM PRP PRQ PRV ML低层价差 PRY ML相关成本价格差额 RAP RKA RUE 预提delivery cost科目 ...
PRD 的科目分组 PRD以及PRD下的PRA/PRF/PRU都对应什么业务? 答:PRD下可按收货、发货、转移,使用明细一般修改PRA(库存发料和其他库存转移: goods issues and other movements,包括561期初导入库存S价物料产生的差异)/PRF(生产订单差异: goods receipts against production orders and order settlement)/PRU(转移过账:...
transfer postings (price differences in the case of external amounts) 如果企业物料采用STD而需将价差细分可使用PRF,PRA,PRU acct. modif.PRCPRDPRGPRK使用cost??object hierarchy的价差科目见KTR.PRMPRPPRQPRVML低层价差PRYML相关成本价格...