Obudu Mountain Resort, 551110, Bebi, 尼日利亚显示地图 选择房间 查看所有10张照片 2.7分 显示所有11条点评 查看地图 1晚 1间, 1位 本酒店目前不接受预定 查看其他酒店 酒店政策 入离时间 入住时间: 14:00后 退房时间: 06:00至12:30 宠物免费
This study attempts to validate theself-report measures of the components of a restorative environment andperceived stress through an exploratory study of the multi-stimulus Obudu mountainresort environment. Twenty-two respondents randomly co-opted at the study sitehad their perception of stress measured...
B. (2016). Coping with seasonality: A case study of family owned micro tourism businesses in Obudu Mountain Resort in Nigeria. Tourism Management Perspectives, 18, 141-152.Coping with seasonality: A case study of family owned micro Tourism businesses in obudu Mountain Resort in Nigeria[J] . ...
The Socio-economic Importance of an Ecolodge as a Tool for Sustainable Tourism: A Study of Obudu Mountain and Resort, Becheeve Community, Cross River State, Nigeriadoi:10.11648/J.IJSDR.20210702.12Ojo IdowuScience Publishing Group