雅思阅读真题答案: https://shimo.im/docs/pKQTgxwgC8DDkTKT 雅思听力真题答案:https://shimo.im/docs/wCyJJjDKV6YCH3rv 雅思九分达人答案: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/MOV5FUh5EaFwXzHo_3_Gsg 雅思真题阅读听力写作(答案合集版)https://docs.qq.com/doc/DSVRiTWt4U0FXdVhB...
题干上的focus on与deal with同义替换,确定答案为particular linguistic feature. 第39题答案:size 对应原文:G段:the size of the corpus depends on practical factors, such as the time available to collect, process and store the data 解析:根据time定位到句子,空与corpus构成所有格关系,由此确定答案为size。
G自然段 A representative sample of language, compiled for the purpose of linguistic analysis, is known as a corpus. A corpus enables the linguist to make unbiased statements about frequency of usage, and it provides accessible data for the use of different researchers. Its range and size are v...
Obtaining Linguistic Data AMany procedures are available for obtaining data about a language. They range from a carefully planned, intensive field investigation in a foreign country to a casual intro-spection about one's mother tongue carried out in an armchair at home. ...
Sometimes a small sample of data will be enough to decide a linguistic hypo-thesis; by contrast, corpora in major research projects can total millions of words. Animportant principle is that all corpora, whatever their size, are inevitably limited in their coverage, and always need to be suppl...
雅思4test 3 obtaining the linguistic data2Miss媚珊 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 2155 22 16:20:55 App 【雅思口语 全84集】油管最好的学雅思口语教学_用技巧对话学习英语,发音,速度,声音都非常完美,绝佳雅思学习素材!雅思丨雅思听力丨雅思口语丨雅思小白丨雅思网课 2044 3 06:04:54...
6 Unit 6 Text B Case Study: Tourism New Zealand Website 72024-09 7 Unit 6 Text C Obtaining Linguistic Data 82024-09 8 Unit 7 Text A Book Review 82024-09 9 Unit 7 Text B Preface to How the other half think 52024-09 10 Unit 7 Text C What Is so Funny 12024-09 查看更多 ...
词汇 obtaining linguistic data 释义obtaining linguistic dataobtaining linguistic data发音 意思翻译 获取语言数据 相似词语短语 双语使用场景 英语使用场景 相关推荐 obtaining guardianship obtaining linguistic data随便看 苟什么性什么的成语 苟什么曲什么的成语 苟什么残什么的成语 苟什么行什么的成语 苟全什么什么的...
4.3.3 音频列表 1 How much higher? How much faster? 1107 2020-12 2 Obtaining Linguistic Data 920 2020-12 3 Volcanoes earth-shattering news 1040 2020-12 4 Micro-Enterprise Credit for Street Youth 856 2020-12 5 Play Is A Serious Business ...
雅思A类阅读obtaining linguistic data ObtainingLinguisticData TEACHINGOBJECTIVE 1能在文章中指认定语后置(110分钟)2能写出正确的定语后置的句子(5分钟)3能口语表达语法正确的定语后置的句子(5分钟)4口语表达语法正确且有意义的定语后置句子(5分钟)WARMUP 单词:volcano相关单词 LEAD-INBACKGROUNDINFORMATION PREDICT...