Thechildren or grandchildrenof a parent or a grandparent who wasexiledfrom Spain for one of various reasons (something that happened a lot during the Spanish Civil War) and were thus, born outside of Spanish territory. ChildrenSpanish women who married a foreignerin a country outside of Spain...
Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: obtenersacaradquirirconseguir obtain [əbˈteɪn] A. VT→ obtener, conseguir; (= acquire)→ adquirirhis uncle obtained the job for him→ su tío le consiguió el puestooil can be obtained from coal→ se puede extraer aceite del carbón B. VI ...
The job interview process had been time-consuming and stressful. I translated my resume to Spanish and hit the streets, getting lost on bus trips and sweating in my cheap suit. My money was running out. You can read about how to find a teaching job in Mexico inthis articleI wrote for ...
The accounts might also need to be translated. If you are applying at aMexican consulate abroad, the accounts will need to be translated if they are not in a language which that consulate accepts. Consulates accept documents in Spanish and usually the official language(s) of the country they ...
Convert Time format when system language is Spanish in C# Convert Timespan to HH:MM:SS convert uint to hex representation convert unsigned 16 int in to MSB and LSB Convert utf-16 xml to utf-8 Convert var query to DataTable Convert variable name to a string? Convert "CreateObject(...