方未能向擬作為證人 的人 取得一份符合 第 ( 4 ) ( a ) 款的書 面陳述, 法庭可指示意欲援 引該名證人的證據的一方 , 向另一方提 [...] hkreform.gov.hk hkreform.gov.hk However, the police often trytoobtainaself-incriminatingstatementand/or a confession. ...
the folder marked "Police Bail Granted" the original copy of thisbailreceiptandobtainthebailee's signature in Section 2B. hkreform.gov.hk hkreform.gov.hk 在發還 警察保釋金時,值日官頇向保釋者索取保 釋金收據的副 本 , 然後從“批准警察保釋”的文件夾內 取出收據的正 本 , 並指示保釋者在第 2...
email or visit the court to get this information. A party can ask his local police department or county sheriff’s office about a conviction date related to a local arrest. If the convicted party has a lawyer
"The warrants concerned charges related to a criminal investigation and court documents indicate that police at the time were investigating the case of a stillborn baby who was burned and buried, not a decision to have an abortion." Facebook has said that officials at the social media giant ...