Templater插件支持在使用模板文件创建后将设置的变量替换成想要的实际值 单行语法如下: <% tp.file.name %> 多行语法是这样: <%* let today = tp.date.now("YYYY-MM-DD") moment.locale('zh'); let titleName = await tp.system.prompt("输入标题:","") let content = await tp.system.prompt("输...
Templater 提供了两种去除空白的方式,一种是 <%- -%> 或<%-* -%> 来去除命令前后的空白,另一种是使用 <%_ _%> 或<%_* *%> 来去除命令前后所有的空白。 下面我们来对比一下: <%* if (tp.file.title == "MyFile" ) { %> This is my file! <%* } else { %> This isn't my file!
There are a few powerful Obsidian plugins for templates, with Templater and QuickAdd++ being among the best. One of their greatest features is getting a prompt for entering values for template fields. Given a template like: I went to ... {{ place }} with ... {{ people }} for {{ ...
await:关键字,代表 Templater 执行到这一行的时候,会等待关键字await其后的「脚本语句」执行完成。 await通常是「非必须」的,但是为了保险起见(例如这一行代码可能是一大段「待执行」脚本的一部分时),建议在可能「执行时间较长」的「脚本语句」前都加上await关键字。 tp.system.prompt("输入示例:"+ today, today...
然后,我还利用templater插件的语法写了个小脚本,这个脚本存放在【新建读书笔记】文件下 <%* let input = await tp.system.prompt("笔记标题:") let templateName = tp.file.find_tfile("文献笔记") let titleName = input -%> [[<% (await tp.file.create_new(templateName, titleName , false)).bas...
Hider Hide UI elements such as tooltips, status, titlebar and more. Minimal Theme Settings Control the colors and fonts in Minimal Theme. Discord Rich Presence Update your Discord Status to show your friends what you are working on. Templater Create and use templates. Convert url to preview ...
https://github.com/chetachiezikeuzor/Highlightr-Plugin hints-plugin Hints Flow Save data directly to Obsidian with specified template. Capture from Telegram, WhatsApp, Slack, Email, SMS, Raycast and more. 暂未翻译 https://github.com/slpbx/obsidian-plugin homepage Homepage Open a ...
inputDate:变量名,它将接受 tp.system.prompt("输入示例:"+today,today) 弹出对话框中「用户输入的值」。 await:关键字,代表 Templater 执行到这一行的时候,会等待关键字 await 其后的「脚本语句」执行完成。 await 通常是「非必须」的,但是为了保险起见(例如这一行代码可能是一大段「待执行」脚本的一部分时)...
Templater - Obsidian plugin Dataview - Obsidian plugin Zotero Annotations I am skipping the installation of Zotero and its plugins here, as well as the basics of importing sources into Zotero, because these instructions are available widely on the web (for example, see relevant sections here or...