完成或未完成: done 或not done done before/after/on 日期 截止日期: due before/after/on 日期 no due date 开始日期: starts before/after/on 日期 no start date 计划日期: scheduled before/after/on 日期 no scheduled date 编辑于 2024-04-16 21:24・IP 属地北京 ...
Tasks:任务管理(自动打上完成日期,可设置DDL、scheduled date、重复日程等) Zotlit:和Zotero联动的插件(类似的插件还有很多,知乎有个非常全面的总结:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/651144180) Marginnote Companian:和margin note联动的插件 Kanban:生成看板视图 主页视图的相应插件 最后最后 很多朋友关注我应该是为了看...
然后在 quickadd 的设置界面里添加一个新的 template 命令:Capture to:你的日记文件夹/{{DATE:YYYY-...
插件太多,看心情汉化🤣🤣🤣 说明:本项目里所有插件都是由 “宏沉一笑” 整理好的,原项目地址:https://gitee.com/whghcyx/obsidian-plugin,我只是搬运下来作汉化(机翻)处理。如果有个别插件没有需要汉化或本就是中文的,只要在清单里的,遇到了将会只汉化名称和说明或直接移入“已汉化插件” 本项目已收集插...
Create a few tasks in a Markdown note in your vault. For example: - [ ] Something non-important, with no date - [ ] Remember to do that important thing - with a due date 📅 2022-12-17 - [ ] Send Kate a birthday card - with a scheduled date 🔁 every January on the 4th ...
This will use the Obsidian Tasks plugin and gives us a whole bunch of extra options. So let’s create another sample task. We can choose a priority level if we want, a recurring date, a due date, a scheduled date, or a start date. I’ll make this due by Friday, which you can ...
However, I would like tasks to automatically add CANCELLED, if the task was not done on the scheduled/due date. Hi @ronny3, thanks for the reply. So can I just check that I understand. Currently, Tasks only edits any checkbox/task line when the user explicitly interacts with it. I ...
Next, select how often the task will run, and set the desired time and date. By default the time is in the server time zone; if you need to select a different time zone, go toTools & Settings>Scheduled Tasks>Settings. You also have the ability to set a description for the task, se...
Dataviewjs的奇技淫巧 - 经验分享 - Obsidian 中文论坛 Obsidian学习从0到1 —— 双链(重点)_obsidian 双链-CSDN博客 dmscode/Obsidian-Templates: 我在 Obsidian 中用的各种模板(Dataview,Templater,QuickAdd) (github.com) 702573N/Obsidian-Tasks-Timeline: A custom view build with Obsidian-Dataview to ...
Materialize Todoist tasks within Obsidian notes.在 Obsidian 笔记中实现 Todoist 任务。 Markdown Formatting Assistant 下载次数:6180插件描述: This Plugin provides a simple Editor for Markdown and in addition a command line interface. The command line interface facilitate a faster workflow.该插件为 Markdo...