需要下载插件 Table of Contents Pasted image 20231002002420 Ctrl+p 命令然后搜索 table of content就可以在当前页面创建当前形成的 markdown 文档的目录,前提是有很多个标题,这样才能生成目录 Pasted image 20230926163047 ^fe4bc5 3.9.1 目录编号异常 ^6c3f18 如果目录编号突然变成 0.1 什么的变体,而且生成的目录...
这个原则和编程原则KISS (Keep it Simple, Stupid)如出一辙。在Obsidian高强度的使用过程中,很早就引入油管博主Nick Milo的MOC(Maps Of Contents)方法,异常好用。很简单,就是在笔记顶头写上Up:: [[上层目录]]。MOC的其中一种用法,是建立起目录大纲作为的索引: 去年的分享中,下图的日常、记录、打码的工作、橙...
这个原则和编程原则KISS (Keep it Simple, Stupid)如出一辙。在Obsidian高强度的使用过程中,很早就引入油管博主Nick Milo的MOC(Maps Of Contents)方法,异常好用。很简单,就是在笔记顶头写上Up:: [[上层目录]]。MOC的其中一种用法,是建立起目录大纲作为的索引: image.png 去年的分享中,下图的日常、记录、打码...
Prettier Format Opinionated formatting for your notes. obsidian-plugin-prettier - 0.1.0 https://twitter.com/hipstersmoothie Table of Contents Create a table of contents for a note. obsidian-plugin-toc - 0.1.2 https://twitter.com/hipstersmoothie Obsidian TODO ,Text-based GTD Text-based GTD in...
Waypoints will be automatically updated whenever the files or folders within that folder are changed. Be sure not to remove the%% Begin Waypoint %%or%% End Waypoint %%flags as this is what the plugin uses to locate the table of contents. Any changes made to the text between these flags will...
Table of Contents Usage Dataview Discogs Process Obsidian Plugins See also Usage For the optimal experience, open this vault in Obsidian! Download the vault Open the vault in Obsidian via "Open another vault -> Open folder as vault" Trust us. :) When Obsidian opens the settings, verify the...
Outline is an outline plugin that can automatically generate a table of contents for Obsidian documents based on the title. It can quickly preview all titles, and can also be used to quickly jump to a specified location. It is very useful if you often write long articles. Outline is an of...
Create a table of contents for a note.为笔记创建目录。 Journey 下载次数:4894插件描述: Discover the story Between your notes发现笔记之间的故事 Vantage - Advanced search builder 下载次数:4851插件描述: Build advanced search queries in Obsidian.在 Obsidian 中构建高级搜索查询。
Obsidian## 概念 官网:Obsidian官网 中文论坛:Obsidian 中文论坛 插件中文介绍OB插件社区 Johnny学OB ob中文教程 优点:文件类型:基于markdown的相关优点 高度通用性 编辑简单 个性化:高度自定义 费用:开源,个人完全免费 可以与logseq联用 缺点 双链笔记缺点:结构可读性不高·父子关系 顺序逻辑关系 不同权重关系 ...
上面例子中不能使用regexmatch()函数,因为file.folder的值是包含路径的,如果使用它就只是匹配了Templates这个字符串,达不到预期的结果。 regexreplace(string, pattern, replacement)函数用于正则替换字符串,例如将日期格式2024-05-02替换成05/02/2024,它同样支持像 JavaScript 的replace()函数中那样在replacement中使用...