(1)第一种是自带的Obsidian Sync,这种最简单,但需要氪金,注册登录交钱就行了。鉴于本人坚定的白嫖党,所以选择下面第二种方法。 (2)第二种是借助第三方软件进行同步辅助。同步的本质是不同终端的文件夹映射。由于移动端暂不支持直接连接外部云盘,需要通过第三方如FolderSync或者DropSync软件将移动端的文件夹(手机本地...
这个插件也存在一些缺点:它在同步配置文件、插件及其他各类隐藏文件时兼容性较差,报错log有时语焉不详,需要细心检查配置情况,不如官方的Obsidian Sync服务不用费心折腾。但瑕不掩瑜,它仍旧是最适合长期使用、无感体验的Obsidian云同步插件,在Github上已揽星3k+。 下面将介绍如何搭建Self-Hosted LiveSync的服务端及配置...
DovieW / obsidian-android-sync Star 46 Code Issues Pull requests Automated Obsidian sync setup for Android using Git (SSH), Termux, and Tasker. android git tasker termux obsidian Updated Jul 14, 2024 Shell BabelTower / notes Star 11 Code Issues Pull requests Obsidian+Github Pages+Docs...
This is where you may or may not have to change your setup based off of your conditions. The issue is, you cannot touch a file in nextcloud without using nextcloud to sync easily. Yes it can be done, but it is a pain to have to manually sync the database after every change. The ...
如果要同步插件、主题,需要打开 Enable customization sync,(建议不要配置这个,会导致同步错乱的问题)...
Obsidian offers apaid, premium, encrypted sync option, which automatically keeps files in sync on mobile devices. Premium Obsidian Sync isn’t required, but is the most comprehensive option for keeping vaults synced across both desktop and mobile devices. Check out their FAQ forother Obsidian syncin...
you could keep all your files in this folder and sync them between devices. Obsidian also offers a sync service that provides end-to-end encryption and 1 year of revision history. The list price is $8/month forObsidian Sync, but as of this writing, it’s still offering a 50% early bi...
| | Askify Sync | Syncing between Obsidian and Askify. | | Android nomedia | Hide media from your vault on Android devices by adding the 'nomedia' file to each folder. | | Custom State for Task List | Add custom states to task list items. | | Fuzzy Chinese Pinyin | Fuzzy search ...
of course. The first sync Day One built was through Dropbox, but he never liked that setup: “the things that were stored on Dropbox, they were unencrypted, and somebody at Dropbox could definitely read those.” After a few years, Day One rolled out its own end-to-end encrypted syncin...
文章写于2023年3月7日,懒癌发作,慢慢补 blog地址:群晖安装CouchDB